Tenders Are Invited For Building A Tower Tank + Main And Sub-Network + Installing Meters For Homes - Mills - Al-Taraf Al-Shami Isolation - M/Beit Al-Faqih

Tender Detail

Tenders Are Invited For Building A Tower Tank + Main And Sub-Network + Installing Meters For Homes - Mills - Al-Taraf Al-Shami Isolation - M/Beit Al-Faqih
Arab World1,Middle East,Middle East and North Africa, MENA

Work Detail

Tenders are invited for Building a Tower Tank + Main and Sub-Network + Installing Meters for Homes - Mills - Al-Taraf Al-Shami Isolation - M/Beit Al-Faqih Primary Insurance (USD) 2,500/-. Tender documents can be obtained starting from 02/11/2025 at the Public Works Project located on Al-Mahroukat Street, branching off from Al-Zubairi Street - in front of SabaFon, or at the projects branch offices in the governorates, for a non-refundable cash fee of 30 US dollars for each project. Bids must be submitted sealed with red wax in the name of the project manager and delivered before 11:00 am on the day indicated in front of the project . Any envelope submitted after these dates will be returned to its owner. The contractor must fill in the required data in the contract document, sign, stamp and attach it. An unconditional bank guarantee in the same format as stated in the tender documents must be attached to each bid. It must be in US dollars and no other currency will be accepted, as indicated in front of each project, valid for 90 days, or an acceptable check for payment stating the name of the project subject to the tender and the name of the contractor in favor of the public works project, with a copy of the valid tax card, insurance card and zakat card, and a statement of the projects previously implemented by the contractor. Preference will be given to those with previous experience. The project is not obligated to accept the lowest prices or give more than one project to the same contractor without giving reasons . Joint guarantees for more than one project are not acceptable . [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : http://tendersofyemen.com/ar/index.php

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