Arab World1,Middle East,Middle East and North Africa, MENA
Work Detail
Tenders are invited for Supply and Installation of Multi-Functional Printer and Data Shows (Delivery to Zaatari and Azraq Camps) TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Any Purchase Order resulting from this INVITATION shall contain UNICEF General Terms and Conditions and any other Specific Terms and Conditions detailed in this INVITATION. INFORMATION Any request for information regarding this INVITATION must be forwarded by email to the attention of the person who prepared this document, with specific reference to the Invitation number. ELIGIBILITY; BIDDER INFORMATION 4.1 Bidder. The term #Bidder# refers to those companies that submit a Bid pursuant to this Solicitation Document and #Bid# refers to all the documents provided by the Bidder in its response to this Solicitation Document. A Bidder will only be eligible for consideration if it complies with the representations set out in Part V of this Solicitation Document, including the representations on ethical standards, including conflicts of interest. 4.2 Joint Venture, Consortium or Association. (a) If the Bidder is a group of legal entities that will form or have formed a joint venture, consortium or association at the time of the submission of the Bid, each such legal entity will confirm in their joint Bid that: (i) they have designated one party to act as a lead entity, duly vested with authority to legally bind the members of the joint venture jointly and severally, and this will be evidenced by a Joint Venture Agreement among the legal entities, which will be submitted along with the Bid; and (ii) if they are awarded the Purchase Order, the designated lead entity will enter into the Purchase Order with UNICEF, who will be acting for and on behalf of all the member entities comprising the joint venture. (b) After the Bid has been submitted to UNICEF, the lead entity identified to represent the joint venture will not be altered without the prior written consent of UNICEF. (c) If a joint venture#s Bid is the Bid selected for award, UNICEF will award the Purchase Order to the joint venture, in the name of its designated lead entity. The lead entity will sign the Purchase Order for and on behalf of all other member entities. Tender Link :
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.