Acquisition Of Medical, Hospital And Dental Material Of Interest To The Health Secretariat Of The Municipality Of Horizonte/Ce.. Central Catheter, Central Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Urinary Tract Probe, Urinary Tract Probe, Oropharyngeal Cannula Guedel, Oropharyngeal Cannula Guedel, Surgical Drain, Surgical Drain, Medical Use Adapter, Hypodermic Needle, Hypodermal Needle, Hemocomponent Transfusion, Hemocomponent Transfusion Equipment, Urine Collector, Urine Collector, Bottle - Almotolia Type, Vial - Almotolia Type, Garbage Collector, Garbage Collector, Endocervical Brush, Endocervical Brush, Bracelet Identification, Identification, Cotton Medical Use, Cotton Medical Use, Skin Dressing, Skin Dressing, Protective Film, Protective Film, Portable Monitor, Portable Monitor, Biological Indicator, Biological Indicator, Laboratory Blade, Laboratory Blade, Radiological Film, Radiological Film, Hygienic Absorbent, Hygienic Absorbent, Hospital Material, Material Hospital, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Surgical Mask, Surgical Mask, Surgical Apron, Surgical Apron - Paramentation, Acetic Acid, Acetic Acid, Scalpel Blade, Scalpel Blade, Theisable Paper, Thermal Paper, Electrode Medical Use, Electrode Medical Use, Needled Suture Wire, Needled Suturing Wire, Dental Retractor, Dental Retractor, Mepivacaine Hydrochloride, Mepivacaine Hydrochloride, High Rotation Drill, High Rotation Drill, Pneumatic Mattress - Health Use, Bone Wax, Manual Surgical Saw