Echocardiogram, Transesofagic Echocardiogram, Ergommetric Test, 24H Holter, Map 24H, 03/02/2025, High Digestive Endoscopy, Colonascopy, Breast And Thyroid Paff, Electroneuromyography Of The Limbs, Electroneuromyography, Electronencephalogram, Spirometry, Tonal And Vocal Audiometry, Bone Densitometry, Mammography, Mammography, Mammography , X-Ray With Report And Without Report Ð X-Ray, Cavum, Face Breasts, Total Abdominal Ultrasound, Abdominal Wall, Mammry, Dopler Thyroid Ultrasound, Doppler Transvaginal, Obstetric, Pronstata Ultrasound Via Transrectal With Biopsy 12, Ultrasound Morfolîgica , Morfolîgica Doppler Ultrasound, Carotid Vertebral Ecodoppler, Mmii Ultrasound With Doppler, Transvaginal Ultrasound With Sedancre, Total Abdomen, Cervical Column, Dorsal, Lumbar Tomography And Mmii Parts Of Mmii. And, Resonance Of The Cranio With Sedan, Total Abdomen Resonance, Overall Segmental Resonance Of The Skeleton And Moles Mmii And, Resonance Cervical Spine, Lumbar.