South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC),APAC (Asia Pacific)
Work Detail
Expression of Interest are invited for Consulting Firm (National) (Time-Based) Title Of Service: Consultancy Services for Detail Engineering Design, Mathematical Modeling Tendering Construction Supervision and Defect Liability Period Services for Construction of Rall-Cum-Road Bridge across the River Kamaphuli at Kalurghat Point Brief Description of Assignment: 1. The Goveminent of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh (008) has signed a Loan with the Economic Development Cooperation Fund, Korea hereinafter refered to as EDCF) for Construction of Rali Cum-Roat Bridge auss the Rive Kamaphat Katunya Port Project herenator need to as The Prize) The Project involves the construction of a 700m Ral-cuns Road bridge along with other necessary works cross the river Kamaphul at Kalurghat port A portion of the proceeds of the loan is intended to be uzet to the consultancy services. All payments for the consultancy services will be made both local and foreign currency 2. Bangladesh Railway (R) under Ministry of Railways (MOR) (hereinafter referred to as The Client) now invles Expression of (601) in English from mouted consulting my of the Republic of Korea, individual injort verscherenator referred to as The interested Consuta) for short Isting for the consultancy services for Detal Engreering Design, Mathematical Modeling, Tendering Construction Supervision and Deflect Liability Perad Services unde the project 3. As part of the services, the commutart will conduct but not limited la) the following works Revine and Update) a) Review and uptate of the Fis which was conducted in 2022 The consultant may spore the FS sport considering alternative design of the bridge as well structural prentar and cost Develop the allomaves in accordance with the requirements and standards to prove technical tessibility and permit coming to the required level of accuracy Investigation and Sverty The Consultant shall carry out the following investigations and surveys pror to preceding the desig a) Field survey and investigation of existing railway facilities 2) Topographic survey along planned route Geotactrical envestigation along the planned route and also in the river bed Hydrological morphological and melortugal survey including river bed protection and entarkinent protection Utility rivestigation along planned route public facilities building, structures and development plans, existing rawty facilities which will be located Surveys for local suitable material location and to quantity such as borrow pil, stare quarry, cement factory, els Ragto-of-way survey for construction site, land acquisition and arrangement, land areas permanently and temporarily occupied Establishing the datum and benchmarks system necessary for the construction waits induding pamanent works, construction siles and access road etc Cetal Engineering Design Consultant shall prepare the Project Design Report and get approval by BR of applicable design standards and specification of the following The A ) Cvill structure (bridge, embankment, station etc) tack, alignment signaling, telecommunication, electric traction etc b) Inovative lechnologies, if required, to be newly applied Bating Assistars a) Preparation of Bidding Documents Assiut BR in issuing bid invitation conducing pre bid conferenssing addendumi congendum, and clarificallions to bidders queries Assist BR in exaluating bids in accordance with the orter set forth in the bidding documents 4) Assist BR to prepare the bid evaluation report for approval of the bed evaluation committee Ass BR in contact negotiation by preparing agenda and facilitating negotiations including preparation of minutes of negotiation masing Assist BR to prepare the dalt and fral corract agreement Salbuent Asustance a) Raviewing the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report and finalizing the EIA Report b) Assist BR in prepang and frulong the Land Acquisition Plan (LAP) Resettioment Action Plan (RAP) farly and timely with Sransparency for the Project c) Uptate and/or prepare LAP RAP as necessary etc d) Provide support of NGO for settlement activiles Construction Supervision Suggud a) Supervise civil and signaling & telecommunication works, and execute contract admistration b) Regularly monitor progress and take actions required for timely completion of sorts c) Verify contractors weak statements and save payment certificates ) Review and modily (f necessary) design, drawing, specification, cool etc and d e) Prepare an Operation and Mantenance manual for the constructed works f) Defect liability support Experience, Resources and Delivery Capacity Required: a) Assist BR to prepare the lilly relocation plan b)Carry out the ledviology transler c)Organizing Overseas Training Study Tours 4 The consultants will be selected under Qually and Cost Based Selection (OCBS) method in accordance with the procedures sel out in the EDOF Gudeines for Selection of Consultants 5 The Chart will contuct the sharing of sed coating firms for the above mentioned consultancy services. The fms/JvAssociation should have following previous experiences of rendering consultancy services 3) Design ander construction supervision of at least 500m long Sitesi PC Gide double track Ral-cum-Road/Rail Bridge accessive Induding approach wadud b Design andior construction supervison of railway track of at least 50km long c) Design andior cordion supervision of a Road Bestge of of least 5km long 4) Experience implementation and montaning of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) as per EDICF Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations The Ell should specifically include (along with orthed English translation if not in English) (1) The fums Regation Gerificate (2) Company profile dating management no of employee firms specialty, brack recor (3) The anal reports for the last five yeas (4) List of the rendered services for al Design and construction supervision of at least 500m kong Steel PC Girde doutie lack Ralcun Road Rail Bridge ar including approach vaduct 1) Expenance of Design and Construction Supervision Project will be counted as project 2) Experience of Design or Construction Supervision Proyect will be courted as 07 project b) Design andlor construction spention of ratllamy track of at leset 50km long (Note Some is (a) above) Deeg andlor onstruction supervision of s Road Bridge of at least 0.50km long (Roila Same as (3) above) d) Experience in implementation and monitoring of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Renert Action Plan (RAP) a por EDCF Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations in the list folowing information should be provided The contrad amours of the firm scope of the services man-monte the firm excerited duration of the service will commencement completion date of the contracts mentioned above (3) No of Blage Engineers Rauty Track Engineers. Railway Works Ergneens Splication Engineers, those who belong to the firm more than a your (1)Average working experiences (years) of those railway engreen (7) Audied francial statement (Balance sheet. Proff and loss statement and fosteret the latter years (Hatory of gattorn in courts or any arbitraten proceedings (f any) The single consultancy fun shall be solely the consultancy fems in case of the Jort Venture (V) on in the form of association shall be jointly and severaly lable for the entire performance of the coriterad With af supporting documents. the EOI must be deliveat at or before 12:00 hours (Bangladesh Standard Time) on 03 March 2025 in sealed envelope marked with the EO by Corsultancy Services for Construction of Rail Cum Road Bridge River Kamphul at Kaughat Port Proyed to the signatory addresned and any late submasion will be returned (opened The Request for Proposal (FIFF) is spected to be wound la the short listed Firms by 15 Apr 2005 The chert wilt not be responsible for any cotits or supenest incurred by the fems incorreclun with the preparation or submision of the EO Association with foreign firms is: Not Applicable EOI Closing Date and Time: 03/03/2025 Bekor 12.00 PM Tender Link :
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