Tenders are invited for Construction of Three (3) Police Stations in Unity State Leer County Panyijiar County and Mavendit County. Provision of labour for Construction of Three (3) Police Stations. Leer County. Mayendit County. Panyijiar County, Unity State, Republic of South Sudan Provision of labour and material supplies for the Construction of the Three (3) Police Stations. Leer county. Mayendit County. Panyijiar County, Unity State. Republic of South Sudan 1. Application: Tender documents can be sent through email to bidders after requesting through these email addresses FCharles@wr org/ SStenders@wr.org 2 Submission of bid documents: The bid documents should be submitted in a sealed envelope indicating the above Tender reference and written -only to be opened in a Tender meeting on the envelope to the following locations; a. World Relief South Sudan. Country Office, Hai Cinema, Adjacent to National Ministry of Water and Irrigation Office. Republic of South Sudan. b. Leer County World Relief South Sudan Field Office (humanitarian Hub) c. Panyijiar County. International Rescue Committee (IRC), Located in Ganyiel. d. Mayendit County, Universal Intervention and Development Organization (UNIDO) Field Office. Tender Link : https://comms.southsudanngoforum.org/c/tenders
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.