South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC),APAC (Asia Pacific)
Work Detail
Tenders are invited for Supply of Ophthalmic Operating Microscope 1. Instructions / Guidelines for participating in Tenders as per the prescribed SBD and complete specifications can be downloaded from PAF website i.e. under the heading Media PAF Ads General Instructions DP (Air) Suppliers (for guidelines to participate in tenders) and Latest Advertisement (for tender Invitation documents) 2. If Required ITs not found on PAF Website, concerned ADsP may be approached via request letter through e-mail address to ( 3. Firms, un-registered/un-indexed with DGDP interested to participate in the competition on Earnest Money are required to provide financial capability (minimum 6 months Bank Statements) proof of godown and manufacturer / stockist. 02 photocopies of NIC of the owner in case of FOR tenders and agency agreement with OEM along with the request. Request for issuance of IT will be entertained 07 days before opening date of tender. 4. A treasury Challan of Rs 2,000/- debitable to Main Head XLVII Main Head XII Sub Head A is required to be submitted by the un-registered/un-indexed firms along with the request. 5. Tender Notice is also available on PPRA website i.e. Closing Date: 25-Feb-2025 10:00:00 AM Tender Link :
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.