Bids Are Invited For Provide, Install, And Maintain A 50 Mbps Minimum Up And Down Layer 2 Point To Point Between 14900 Park Central Rd, Camp # 3 Willow Bldg, Thurmont, Md 21788 And Faa Radio Relay Tower, 4213 Suitland Rd Suitland, Md 20746
Bids Are Invited For Provide, Install, And Maintain A 50 Mbps Minimum Up And Down Layer 2 Point To Point Between 14900 Park Central Rd, Camp # 3 Willow Bldg, Thurmont, Md 21788 And Faa Radio Relay Tower, 4213 Suitland Rd Suitland, Md 20746
Provide, Install, And Maintain A 50 Mbps Minimum Up And Down Layer 2 Point To Point Between 14900 Park Central Rd, Camp # 3 Willow Bldg, Thurmont, Md 21788 And Faa Radio Relay Tower, 4213 Suitland Rd Suitland, Md 20746.Product Service Code:Dg11 - It And Telecom - Network: Satellite Communications And Telecom Access Services
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.