Musical Instruments - * 03 Units Of Agogo: Steel Material, Two Bells. Chrome. 30Cm X 24 Cm * 02 Marcial Lira Units - Raw Material: Aluminum; Keys: 29 Keys, Chromatic Scale, With Pair Of Drumsticks And Talabart. * 16 Scalet Units: Raw Material: Rigid Plastic; Instrument Tone: From 37 Keys, With Cover And Two Nozzles. * 03 Pairs Of Dish - Type: Fanfare; Matter- Press: Bronze League (Brass); Size: 16 Inches, 36 Cm. Bronze Color * 03 6 ”Wood Tambori Units With Chrome Rim, Aluminum Helmet. * 12 Pairs Of Drumsticks: Deaf Wood Model. 355Mm X25mm Diameter. * 01 Metronomous Unit: Digital With Timer Display Ldc Colorful. Adjustable Volume.Temp.40 To 208Bpm. Fits In Phone. (Boxes) And Has Its Own Volume.
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