Tenders Are Invited For Consultancy For The Graphic And Audiovisual Media Production For The Regional Awareness Campaign

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French Development Agency (AfD)
Tenders Are Invited For Consultancy For The Graphic And Audiovisual Media Production For The Regional Awareness Campaign

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Tenders are invited for Consultancy for the Graphic and Audiovisual Media Production for the Regional Awareness Campaign. Closing Date: 11 Feb 2025 Type: Consultancy 1. CONTEXT 1.1. PIRAC Created in 2005, the Regional Intervention Platform of the Americas-Caribbean (PIRAC) is the international delegation of the French Red Cross (FRC) for the Caribbean region, based in Guadeloupe, as well as its operational mechanism for humanitarian action and regional cooperation. PIRAC helps people throw emergency responses in case of major disasters and supports resilience-building in the Caribbean in French territories, as well as in the countries of the Caribbean island arc and the Guyana Plateau. 1.2. READY 360° program PIRAC started the READY 360° program in January 2023, co-funded by the INTERREG Caribbean program, the French Development (AFD) and the CMA CGM foundation. The READY 360° program aims to build global and greener resilience in Caribbean territories by strengthening disaster preparedness and response capacities at all levels: from the individual and family, to entrepreneurial and institutional levels. It aims to achieve 4 main objectives: (i) Strengthen regional coordination and legislative frameworks for disaster management; (ii) Prepare, anticipate and respond to disasters and crises with more environmentally preparedness measures; (iii) Improve information, awareness and preparedness of citizens for disasters and crises; (iv) Develop technical studies and research on disaster management with experts and academic stakeholders. The READY 360°/3 Oceans program is part of the 3 Oceans project financed by the French Development Agency (AFD) and carried out collectively by all the French Red Cross Regional Intervention Platforms (PIR). The main aim of this project is to reduce the impact of disasters, health crises and the effects of climate change on the populations of the three ocean basins covered by the PIRs (Americas-Caribbean, Indian Ocean, South Pacific). The programs operational partners are the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA). The National Red Cross Societies of 8 Caribbean territories are also involved in the program: Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines. 1.3. The regional awareness campaign One of the main outcomes of the READY 360° program is to raise awareness of disaster risks and the effects of climate change in the Caribbean through a regional public awareness campaign. The campaign focuses on the role of citizens in their own preparedness and safety. Messages cover a wide range of topics and are disseminated on a large scale via a variety of media supports. 2. OBJECTIVES OF THE MISSION 2.1. General objective The main objective of the service is to design and produce relevant, accessible, inclusive and engaging multimedia communication media (videos and infographics), aligned with the campaigns objectives, to raise awareness among the Caribbean population, particularly families, of major natural hazards and the impacts of climate change in the Caribbean. 2.2. Specific objectives of the mission More specifically, the service will consist of : Development of multimedia supports adapted to the regional context, taking into account the specificities of the 8 territories and of its population (style, graphics, accessibility and language). 2.3. Target audience and territories The service does not target a specific audience, in the sense that the regional campaign will be widely distributed to the Caribbean population. The supports will be aimed primarily for a public wishing to be informed. The supports must be accessible and comprehensible to young people and adults, and take into account the specific characteristics of the 8 territories, particularly in the choice of graphics, images and languages (English, French, eventually Creole). 2.4. How we work The contractor will benefit from the technical support of the French Red Cross, which will provide all technical content. The PIRAC project team consists of the DRR Activity Manager, the Regional Projects Manager and the Programs Coordinator. A scoping meeting will be organized between the PIRAC team and the service provider at the beginning of the assignment to confirm the specifics and timetable of deliverables. This meeting can be held remotely or face-to-face. Regular exchanges between the service provider and the DRR Activity Manager will enable the general content of the service to be validated on an ongoing basis. Preliminary versions of each deliverable will be submitted to PIRAC for comments and suggestions, which should be incorporated into the final versions of each deliverable. Validation time should be included in the schedule for review before submission of the final version. Revisions may therefore be requested from the service provider, and should be included in the methodology and initial budget. The Regional Projects Manager and the Program Coordinator will be involved in the process of validating the final deliverables. The following elements must also be taken into account: Illustrations should be contextualized to the humanitarian sector of disaster and crisis management; Content must be written in English and French; The service provider will be responsible for structuring the information to make the deliverables accessible and relevant to the various target audiences mentioned above; Graphic and stylistic consistency between the various deliverables is essential. 2.5. Service provider commitment The service provider may delegate part of the mission to his team or to a collaborator of his choice, but he remains the only hierarchical and disciplinary authority over his team members, and must ensure the quality of the deliverables provided. The service provider undertakes to comply with the following clauses: - Ethical clauses and founding principles of the French Red Cross - Image rights and respect for privacy rules 3. PRIVACY The visual creations and any other element produced during this service will be the property of the French Red Cross and may not be distributed by the service provider without the prior agreement of the French Red Cross. 4. DELIVERABLES A) Animation video A dynamic and visually appealing video to explain a key concept: the early warning system. This instructional video should present simple instructions in an engaging way, using animated graphics, simple texts and visuals to capture the audiences attention in a short time. Technical specifications : Duration: 40 seconds maximum. File format: MP4. Resolution: 1920x1080 (Full HD). Audio: royalty-free background music and voice-over (if available) in both English and French. Languages: English and French versions (subtitles and/or voice-over) Deliverables: two separate files (FR and EN). Project release date: June 2025 B) Vidéo interview with an expert A filmed interview with an expert to discuss the psychological impact of disasters and how to cope (introduction to the subject, practical advice from the expert, and a call to action). The tone should be informative, reassuring and suitable for a wide audience. Technical specifications : Duration: 1 min 30 max. File format: MP4. Resolution: 1920x1080 (Full HD). Audio: Cravatevate microphone or equivalent for optimum sound quality. Languages: English and French versions (subtitles and/or voice-over) Deliverables: two separate files (FR and EN) Project release date: June 2025 C) Editing short videos from content provided The service provider will be responsible for editing 14 testimonial videos of up to 40 seconds and 6 informative videos of 30 seconds, based on raw content provided by the French Red Cross (FRC). Tasks included : Selection of relevant sequences from supplied videos Editing of videos according to an editorial and graphic line consistent with the campaign Addition of transitions, effects, royalty-free background music and consistent branding (logos, graphic guidelines) Inclusion of English and French subtitles Deliverables : 14 edited testimonial videos, subtitled in FR/EN, in MP4 format 6 informative videos in MP4 format, edited and subtitled in FR/EN Resolution: 1920x1080 (Full HD), suitable for digital platforms (social networks, websites) Planned broadcast dates: June to November 2025 and January to April 2026 D) Infographics 10 infographics with informative, attractive and easy-to-understand visuals designed to present key data, graphics and illustrations to raise awareness among the Caribbean population. Use of images, text and pictograms adapted to the target audience. Specifications by format : 8 hazard infographics (5 pages each): containing information on hazards and how to protect yourself. Project release dates: June, August, September, October, November 2025 and January, February, March, April 2026 Impacts infographic (6 pages): summary of the social impacts of disasters, emergency kit illustrations and downloadable version of the shelter plan. Project release date: June 2025 Infographic presentation (4 pages): campaign presentation brochure Project release date: June 2025 Technical specifications : Uses: The infographics produced will have a dual purpose: digital use for dissemination on social networks and other digital platforms, and print use for distribution in the communities concerned. Consequently, formats will have to be adapted to guarantee optimum quality in each context. File format: digital version (reading on screen with size and resolution adapted to platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp) and print version (reading on high-resolution PDF, flyer, poster, large format). A QR code Tender Link : https://reliefweb.int/job/4127443/consultancy-graphic-and-audiovisual-media-production-regional-awareness-campaign

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