Quotation Are Invited For Renovations And Project Management Of The Project Make Sure The Project Complies With All The Building Regulations For Planned Maintanance Work At Lloc Building Martindale
Quotation Are Invited For Renovations And Project Management Of The Project Make Sure The Project Complies With All The Building Regulations For Planned Maintanance Work At Lloc Building Martindale
Quotation are invited for Renovations and Project Management of the Project Make Sure the Project Complies with All the Building Regulations for Planned Maintanance Work at Lloc Building Martindale. CLOSING DATE: 31 January 2025 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION Stage 1 Inception: Identifying a need. The inception stage, which is to establish the client requirements and preferences, assess the clients needs and options, establish the project brief including project objectives, priorities, constraints, assumptions, aspirations and strategies. Stage 2 Concept and Viability Prepare and finalise the project concept in accordance with the brief including the scope, scale, character, form, function and preliminary programme and viability of the project. Determine Building Age and prepare a holistic building components register. Identify electrical and mechanical building components and determine their lifespan and replacement plan. Determine Maintenance Cost % vs Replacement Cost % Stage 3 Design Developments Prepare a report of findings. Prepare as built drawings. Prepare Priced and Unpriced Bills of Quantities. Prepare Work Packages. Provide Maintenance Plans (Short Term, Mid Term and Long Term Plans). Stage 4 Construction Construction Management - which is to manage, administer and monitor the refurbishment, including the preparation and co-ordination of the procedures and documentation to facilitate practical completion of the works Stage 5 Close - out stage Snag listing Close-out reports Site hand-over Issuing of final accounts/ Final Completion Certificate . Tender Link : https://jhbproperty.co.za/supply-chain-management-scm/rfqs/
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.