Tenders are invited for Supply and Delivery of Protective Clothing. SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PROTECTIVE CLOTHING CLOSING DATE: 31 JANUARY 2024 TIME: @ 11:00 BID DOCUMENTS OBTAINABLE FROM: Departmental website: www.dws.gov.za COST OF DOCUMENTS: Free self-downloaded PAYMENT DETAILS: N/A DELIVER BID PROPOSALS TO: Bid proposals must be deposited into the Tender/ Bid Box situated at Gauteng Provincial Office Bothongo Plaza East Building, 15th Floor 285 Francis Baard Street Pretoria, 0002, by not later than the closing date and time indicated above. Bid proposals submitted after the closing date and time will not be considered. OR POSTAL ADDRESS: DIRECTOR-GENERAL: WATER AND SANITATION PRIVATE BAG X 313 PRETORIA,0001 ANY ENQUIRIES REGARDING THE BIDDING PROCEDURE MAY BE DIRECTED TO: BIDDING PROCEDURE ENQUIRIES MAY BE DIRECTED TO TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES MAY BE DIRECTED TO: Contact Person: ALBERT NEKHUMBE Contact Person: THEMBI MASHILOANE Telephone Number: 012 392 1532 Telephone Number: 012 392 1489/ 066 373 6884 Email Address: NekhumbeA@dws.gov.za Email Address: MashiloaneTh@dws.gov.za Please be aware that the Department representatives at SCM will never call you and demand bribes in exchange for a tender; if this occurs, please notify the Department. Bid Safety Jackets 01 Safety Jackets 02 Approved LOGO-CMYK Approved LOGO-B-W Sports shirt and jacket Logo on Jacket Minister Measurements Measurements Sample Jacket 01 Sample Jacket 02 Tender Link : https://www.dws.gov.za/Tenders/Docs/2025/WQ-1659-GP -Tender Document.pdf
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.