Quotation Are Invited For Replacement Of Rollup Shutters, Go Residential

Tender Detail

Quotation Are Invited For Replacement Of Rollup Shutters, Go Residential
Northern Africa
Arab World1,Middle East,Middle East and North Africa, MENA,African Union

Work Detail

Quotation are invited for Replacement of Rollup Shutters, GO Residential at Residential Apartments .0 Dismantling of old Roller Shutters, Supply and install new Aluminum Roll-Up Shutters as SOW. Work as needed, including but not limited to replacing complete existing Shutters, installation of new power cable and coounduat to nerast power supply, patching and painting the walls and any materials required to complete the job. The Contractor shall verify the required works during the site visit and before commencing work. The Contractor shall verify dimensions of all windows and doors. Location and approximate dimensions as follows: 1.01 Replacement of the rollup shutter, Height x Width : 250cm x 165cm 98 each 1.02 Replacement of the rollup shutter, Height x Width : 250cm x 340cm 22 each SUMMARY OF WORK The work includes, but is not limited to, the replacement of old roll-up shutters: 1. Dismantling: Dismantle all roller shutters and hand them over to the COR in the same condition without any additional damage. 2. Supply and Installation: Supply and install new roll-up shutters as per the specifications. 3. Additional Work: Perform any necessary work, including but not limited to, completely replacing existing shutters, patching, and painting walls to their original condition, and providing any materials required to complete the job to the satisfaction of the COR. 4. Verification: The contractor shall verify the required works during the site visit and before commencing work. 5. Dimensions: Verify the actual dimensions of all shutters. This is the responsibility of the contractor. 6. Location and Dimensions: Follow the location and approximate dimensions as specified in the BOQ. 7. Compliance Sheet: As part of the bid, the contractor must submit a compliance sheet for all materials that will be used in the project. 8. Reference: Use Nile Company as a reference. Tender Link : https://eg.usembassy.gov/embassy-consulate/cairo/contract-solicitations/

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