Quotation Are Invited For Supply And Delivery Of G-Grid Pt1025 Fibreglass Geogrid With A Modified Polymer Coating And Self-Adhesive Pressure Sensitive Adhesive
Quotation Are Invited For Supply And Delivery Of G-Grid Pt1025 Fibreglass Geogrid With A Modified Polymer Coating And Self-Adhesive Pressure Sensitive Adhesive
Quotation are invited for Supply and Delivery of G-Grid PT1025 Fibreglass Geogrid with a Modified Polymer Coating and Self-Adhesive Pressure Sensitive Adhesive for SLM. NB: The successful Service Provider will be required to deliver the goods / services within 5 working days upon the receipt of the Official Purchase Order [otherwise Service Provider should indicate their delivery period if it falls outside these timeframes]. Failure to deliver within the stipulated period, the municipality reserves the right to cancel the order and appoint another bidder or institute any other remedies within law for the inconvenience / damages caused. Please Note the Following: 1. No tender document is required. 2. No telegraphic, telefaxes, hand-delivered and late bids will be accepted. 3. No bids will be accepted from persons in service of the state (Acting through Proxy). 4. Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy and Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act No 5 of 2000 and its 2022 regulations (80/20 criteria) will apply. 5. The following documents will be requested from shortlisted suppliers at the later stage for finalizations: 5.1. Company Registration Certificate (CRC) reflecting active members. 5.2. Certified copies of ID of all directors/members on the CRC must be attached. 5.3. MBD 4 form for declaration of interest that is filled and signed in full. Form is obtainable from Supply Chain Management Offices or from the municipal website www.setsoto.gov.za under Supply Chain Tender Link : https://setsoto.gov.za/category/fwpq/
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.