BRIC,G20,South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC),APAC (Asia Pacific)
Work Detail
Tenders are invited for Development of S&D Network in Adjoining Areas of Jadav Ghosh Road in Suti sub basin in Borough XIV & XVI (Part of Ward 126 & 127) including Construction of Keyatala Pumping Station. Description of Items: S & D Network Supply and laying of RCC pipe of size 400 mm to 2000 mm dia including house connections CCTV Survey of assorted diameter of RCC pipes Construction of manholes (Brick & RCC) Construction of catch pit, gully pit, and inspection pit, Etc Cost of non-refundable tender fee is INR 6,000.00 including GST, in the form of Certified Cheque (CC) / Demand Draft (DD) favoring The Kolkata Municipal Corporation, A/c KEIIP, Tranche- 3 payable at Kolkata. The bank account details of KEIIP- Tranche -3 is as follows: Bank Name : Bank of India Bank Branch : Lindsay Street Branch Bank Address : 8, Lindsay Street, Kolkata -700087 Name of the Account : Kolkata Municipal Corporation A/c KEIIP, Tranche- 3 Account No : 401221110000009 IFS Code : BKID0004012 d) Technical bid should be accompanied with Bid Security as indicated in the Bidding Document. Tender Link :
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.