Tenders are invited for SMART Survey - Mortality Survey - Awerial, Lakes State The tender will be conducted using Help standard bidding documents, open to all qualified and legally operating companies in South Sudan. The complete bidding documents (in English) for the lot/s your company is qualified and interested in supplying can be collected from Help procurement by sending an email Only to; procurement-ssd@help-ev.de alternatively download the tender dossier from the South Sudan NGO Forum website http://comms.southsudanngoforum.Org/c/tenders under section tender*. You are required to regularly check the South Sudan NGO Forum website for any modification to the original documents or tender itself. COMPULSORY REQUIREMENTS: Consideration shall only be given strictly to bidders that will demonstrate a proven and satisfactory trackable-record in provision of similar supplies and services to reputable and verifiable clients. Relevant copies of company legal documents including a valid Tax Clearance Certificates. Operational License. South Sudan Chamber of Commerce License, plus Business Registration certificate and any other relevant legal registration certificates for the above listed Service Provision required in South Sudan. You may choose to apply for either all three lots or one of the three lots CLOSING DATE AND TIME: 6th January 2025 at 1:00 PM (South Sudan. Juba local time). SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: STRICTLY submit your Bid and other compulsory documents annexed to this request in a SEALED ENVELOPE clearly marked with the above Bidding Lot and Reference Number. DO NOT INDICATE OR WRITE YOUR COMPANY DETAILS ON THE ENVELOPE. Bids bearing company details on the envelope shall instantly be disqualified from the bidding process. All sealed bids to be hand-delivered only in hard-copies. All electronically submitted bids shall be rejected. Tender Link : https://comms.southsudanngoforum.org/c/tenders
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.