Tenders Are Invited For Professional Data Analyst

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Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Tenders Are Invited For Professional Data Analyst
South America

Work Detail

Tenders are invited for Professional Data Analyst Closing Date: 24 Jan 2025 Type: Consultancy BACKGROUND Considering the escalation of the Colombian internal armed conflict and the need to respond to the humanitarian needs generated by it, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in partnership with other humanitarian organizations, Médecins du Monde France (MDM) and Action Against Hunger (ACH), have formed the MIRE+ Consortium whose purpose is the rapid response, and early recovery from emergency situations caused by the actions of armed actors throughout Colombian territory. The confidentiality and trust under which the Consortium member organisations work will be fundamental in this consultancy, in addition to the understanding of the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence. The work and products of this consultancy must be framed in the Common Humanitarian Standards, Action without Harm, the triple Nexus. This consultancy is managed through the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), which was appointed as the managing organisation of the Consortium. This consultancy does not imply the responsibility of personnel management. The Data Analysis consultancy products will be validated and approved by the Learning and Accountability Advisor of the MIRE+ Consortium. OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE OF WORK Objective The purpose of the Professional Data Analyst Consultant is to contribute with specific products and actions for the Information Management of the MIRE+ with the collection, management, analysis and accurate and timely generation of data reports, using the technology of the MIREview system. Scope of work Support the M&E and R&C and Learning coordinations of the Consortiums UGC with technical guidance for the monitoring of indicator data from the Consortiums partners and registries, and their quality control. Support the M&E and RdC and Learning coordinations of the Consortiums UGC with the preparation of data for quarterly, annual and other reports. Support the M&E and RdC and Learning coordinations of the Consortiums UGC to report on the technical implementation of the activities and contribute to the technical reports. To be the focal point MEAL UGC for the process of digital strengthening of MIREview, in coordination with the UGIC+C Consulting activities / products: 1. Periodic Lists of Assisted Persons -LPA- of each of the Consortium partners: purged, consolidated and reported to the UGC, as well as uploaded to the MIREview. 2. Generation and monthly update of monitoring tools for the visualization of the progress of each indicator of the Consortium. 3. Monthly Outcomes measurement report, and according to the donor reporting calendar. 4. Monthly update of the Consortiums data management tools, on the different platforms on which they are uploaded and operated; For example, KoboToolbox. 5. Consolidated monthly report of quantitative data for reports, proposals and monitoring plans, delivered and validated by the M&E and RdC coordinations of the UGC. 6. Monthly attendance report and presentations for the transmission of information on training spaces related to MEAL topics of Information Management. 7. Monthly report on the management and joint technical monitoring, with the UGI+C team, of the MIREview Strengthening consultancy, until the arrival of version 2.0 of the platform. INSTITUTIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS Duties of the consultancy: 1. Comply with each of the deliverables, activities and products defined with the consultancy. 2. To perform the contracted service, in accordance with the requirements of the Norwegian Refugee Council NRC under the designated contract or by the person delegated by it. 3. To attend to the observations or suggestions that are made insofar as they are within the scope of the contract and are pertinent to its execution, within the applicable regulations in its matter. 4. Adhere to the information security policies of the MIRE+ Consortium. 5. Establish spaces for work, planning and delivery of results in spaces agreed with the consortiums UGC. 6. Carry out at their own expense and risk all the necessary tasks to fulfill the entrusted work, including providing insurance if necessary. 7. Comply with the assigned tasks and commitments derived from the work plan and schedule of activities that have been proposed and approved by the UGC of the Consortium. 8. Comply with all obligations relating to affiliation and timely payment of the respective contributions to the general comprehensive social security scheme, with the payment of support personnel required for the service, this being a condition precedent for the Norwegian Refugee Council NRC to pay the obligation, therefore, The supporting documents of the case must be presented. 9. To subscribe and assume the costs of the quality and compliance policies or guarantees that may be required for the implementation of this activity. 10. Any others that may be necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose of this document. 11. To keep the information shared as initial inputs for the conceptual and narrative proposal under strict confidentiality. Reports must be submitted in Microsoft Word format. The texts should not be formatted, unless indicated by the Coordination. Graphics or other graphic elements must be editable (i.e., they must not be images). All references should be cited in accordance with the convention and detailed in a bibliography, using the Harvard system as set out in the UNESCO Manual of Style. All verbatim quotations should appear in quotation marks and should not be excessively long. All data collected within the framework of the consultancy must be sent together with the deliverables, in a widely recognized format, e.g. Microsoft Excel. Everything that is sent to the MIRE+ Consortium must be the consultants original work. Any plagiarism in any form, or any other violation of intellectual property rights, will automatically disqualify the supplier from receiving any additional payments under the contract entered into by the NRC, and the NRC will seek to recover payments already made. The provider will follow the Ethical Research with Children guidance regarding the ethical participation of children. In addition, all participants of studies or other interaction will be fully informed about the nature and purpose of the interaction and their requested participation. Informed consent must be obtained for any photographs, audio or video recordings, etc. in accordance with the NRCs consent policy. PROPERTY RIGHTS and RELIABILITY: The MIRE+ Consortium will own the intellectual property rights to all materials submitted by the consultants under the contract. The property rights will be owned by the consortium and administered by the Norwegian Refugee Council or the administering organisation of the Forum. The reliability of the information collected is essential and the dissemination of the material without authorization from the organization could put the participants at risk of safety. Therefore, consultants must ensure that they own any materials provided to the Consortium as part of the deliverable. The rights of reproduction of the reports will be granted to the Consortium and its contracted agents. The Consortium shall be free to reproduce the materials at will and to grant reproduction rights. Any dissemination or reproduction of the collected material or the products of the consultancy must have the authorisation of the Consortium. CALENDARIO DE EJECUCIÓN Y ESTIMACIÓN DE INSUMOS El inicio de ejecución será lo más inmediato posible. El valor máximo de la consultoría se establece en pagos por honorarios por modalidad de prestación de servicios de consultoría, exentos de IVA. El desembolso se realizará en pagos mensuales tras la entrega de productos descritos, previo el cumplimiento de la presentación de las planillas donde se evidencie el pago de la seguridad social (Salud, Pensión y ARL), así como la elaboración de cuenta de cobro y/o factura. La consultoría dispondrá de libertad en el manejo de su tiempo para la generación de los productos y relacionamiento. Sin embargo, deberá estar presente en los espacios de coordinación y actividades que requieran su presencia en Bogotá. El calendario de entrega de productos será de carácter mensual. El consultor/a contratado deberá asumir el pago de seguros de póliza de: CUMPLIMIENTO: Por un valor asegurado igual al treinta por ciento (30%) del valor del contrato, con una vigencia igual a la estipulada en el presente contrato y seis (6) meses más. CUALIFICACIONES DE LA PERSONA / EMPRESA CONSULTORA Para ser elegible, la persona natural en prestar estos servicios debe contar: Al menos 5 años de experiencia en cargos como Profesional Data Analyst o relacionados y, Al menos 1 año en acción humanitaria. Educación. Título universitario en Ingeniería de Sistemas, Economía, Estadística, Matemáticas, Administración, Ciencia de Datos o afines. Specific competencies required: Experience of working in similar positions, Data Analysis, Information Management, in a context of humanitarian aid in Colombia. Knowledge of architecture/actors/humanitarian legislation in Colombia. Verifiable experience related to consulting responsibilities. Experience of relating and coordinating teams with a focus on collaboration, adaptation and learning will be valued. Work experience in data collection, maintenance and quality control of datasets, and indicator management. Knowledge and experience in data collection, management, data analysis and information reporting tools (e.g., Kobo toolbox, Power BI, R, Python, SQL, Tableau, advanced Excel, Power Query or others). Knowledge of ICT tools and openness to their innovative use. Experience in the operation of database administration software. Experience in Tender Link : https://reliefweb.int/job/4123650/profesional-data-analyst

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