Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, COMESA,African Union
Work Detail
Tenders are invited for Supply of a Sewage Disposal Vehicle. Region: South Ethiopia Regional State Bid document price: 200.00 Birr Bid bond: 10,000.00 Birr Bidders may obtain the tender documents from the date of publication of this newspaper by paying a non-refundable fee of Birr 200 /Two Hundred Birr/ per vehicle at Warabe Comprehensive Specialized Hospital Office No. 302, Monday to Friday, on business days. Bidders must submit a bank-certified CPO /CPO/ bid security of 10,000/ten thousand birr/ of the price they are offering along with the tender document. Bidders may submit their bids in one original and one copy of the bid document in a sealed envelope within 15 (fifteen) consecutive days from the date of publication of the bid in the Addis Zemen newspaper, during regular business hours from 2:30-6:30 PM and from 7:30-11:30 AM, at the above address, in the bid box provided for this purpose at the Procurement Finance and Asset Management Department. The bid will be closed on the 15th day at 08:00 and opened at 8:30 PM on the same day in the presence of bidders or their legal representatives. If the bid opening date falls on a weekend or public holiday, it will be opened on the next day at the same time. The hospital reserves the right to cancel the bid in whole or in part if it finds a better solution. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link :
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.