Tenders Are Invited For Consultant Santé Plan Stratégique National (H/F)

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Tenders Are Invited For Consultant Santé Plan Stratégique National (H/F)
Central Africa
African Solidarity Fund (FSA),African Union

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Tenders are invited for Consultant Santé Plan StratéGique National (H/F). Closing Date: 22 Dec 2024 Type: Consultancy Context The Ministry of Public Health and Prevention (MSPP) of Chad has set up a Project Management Unit (PMU) by Order No. 420 /PR/PM/MSP/SE/SG/DGRP/2017 of October 20, 2017 in order to meet the requirements of bilateral, multilateral actors and national and international NGOs in the field of health project management. The PMU is responsible for the channelling, management, coordination and programmatic, financial and technical monitoring of projects/programmes in the Health Sector, including Health System Strengthening (HSS), immunization, Maternal and Child Health (MCH), the fight against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the promotion of mutual health insurance within the framework of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), etc. To fulfill its mission, the PMU has equipped itself with governance and management tools, including a Strategic Plan for the period 2018 2021. In 2021, the PMU was restructured by Order No. 0082/PCMT/CMT/MSPSN /2021 of June 9, 2021 relating to its mission, its management bodies, its organizational chart and its anchorage was directly attached to the Cabinet of the Minister of Public Health and Prevention with its governance strengthened with a steering committee and an audit committee. But the strategic plan has not been reviewed and adapted to the new missions. In addition, the PNDS3 to which the PMU NSP is attached has been revised with a new PNDS4 which covers the period 2022-2030. The PMU is the Principal Beneficiary (PR) on the TB/HIV/RSS grant of the NFM3, and Co PR on the malaria grant with UNDP and also manages the C19RM grant. The PMU also manages grants from other donors such as GAVI and BMGF-Aligo Dangote. The PMU is preparing to manage the GC7 grants as the PR for the TB/HIV/HSR and CoPR medical part on malaria. For the implementation of all these grants, the UGP works with sub-recipients (PSLS; PNT; CNLS; NGO BASE; UNICEF; NMCP; EPI; CNAL), the Directorates of the MSPSN, and service providers such as the CPA/PPA, UNICEF, WHO. The PMU is assisted in its mission by a DAT (Governance, Procurement and Inventory Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Finance and Audit) Technical Support Mechanism from Expertise France since 2019, and a Trust Agency (support and control in the context of GAVI and Global Fund grants). Thus, by having its strategic plan as a guide, the PMU has contributed to an improvement in both the programmatic and financial indicators of the Global Fund, Gavi and BMGF. The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) noted in its 2022 audit report that over the past ten years, Chad has gained ground in the fight against the three diseases. On the financial level, the absorption rates of the three Fund grants combined under the New Funding Model 2 (NFM2) (2019-2021) were 88.5%, 92% combined with the UNDP Malaria grant, without ineligible expenses. However, some challenges persist such as staff retention, meeting deadlines, quality of reports, and improving governance. It is therefore necessary to take stock of the implementation of this guide that is the NSP, and to see the new strategic orientations to be given for better efficiency. To do this, the PMU is requesting the recruitment of an international consultant to support it in this task. Mission 1) General objective of the mission Evaluate the 2018-2021 NSP and develop a new 2024-2028 NSP 2) Specific objective(s) SO1: Review the 2018-2021 NHP - Assess the results of implementation; - Analyze the institutional implementation system; - Assess the level of mobilization and use of financial resources for the implementation of the NSP; - Identify best practices and lessons learned. SO2: Assess the achievement of the PMU performance framework indicators - Evaluate the indicators of the 2018-2021 NSP Performance Framework - Evaluate landlords KPIs - Identify and analyze bottlenecks in achieving performance SO3: Develop a new 2024-2028 NSP for the PMU - Define priorities and propose a reorientation of strategic interventions in the light of the results obtained - Develop a new NSP with its monitoring and evaluation plan - Organize a workshop to present the results of the review and validation of the new PSN 3) Expected results The review of the PSN 2018-2021 is done The performance of the PMU is known A new 2024-2028 NSP budgeted with its monitoring and evaluation plan is available As part of the mission, the expert will have to carry out the following activities: 1. Scoping note and meeting 2. TA Roadmap 3. Review of existing documents 4. Field mission (interviews, workshops, etc.) 5. Development of ToRs, documents 6. Implementation of field activities 7. Final TA Report 8. Restitution of results Capacity building of the beneficiary(ies) of the mission: in order to sustain the results of the mission, the ATI will have to pay particular attention to the appropriation of the deliverables by the PMU. Time for joint development of deliverables with progressive empowerment of the beneficiary is encouraged. The ATI will have to propose a methodological approach in their technical offer which will be analysed by Expertise France. The ITA should be based on LInitiatives Knowledge Transfer (KT) tool to ensure better sharing of knowledge and capacity: Expected deliverables Scoping note and up-to-date timetable: 2 working days NSP review report with the level of achievement of donor indicators and KPIs: 20 working days (5 days remotely for document review, 10 days in the field for interviews, data collection, 5 days for analysis and report writing) Review validation workshop report: 3 days remotely or face-to-face New PSN written: 10 working days remotely New NSP validation workshop report: 3 working days in person Mission report: 4 days remotely The overall period for the performance of the services, which is the subject of the contract, is 40 working days. The mission will end with a restitution of the results of the mission with the beneficiary following the validation of the deliverables by Expertise France. Desired profile A. Training - Hold a PhD in health sciences, social sciences, etc. or a university degree equivalent to a Bac +5 at least in health sciences or social sciences or other related fields B. Competencies - Excellent qualities/abilities of: · Communication · Teamwork and interpersonal skills · Transmission of knowledge · Supervision · Analysis and Troubleshooting · Decision-making and initiative · Working under pressure - Excellent command of French (written / oral) - Proficiency in office automation software (OpenOffice, Pack Office) C. General Professional Experience - Have at least ten (10) years of general professional experience, including at least five (05) years in strategic planning D. Specific professional experience - Have conducted at least three (03) similar missions; - Have at least 5 years of experience in project management - Have a good knowledge of Chads health system, including its governance system. How to apply Please download and consult the terms of reference. To apply, send your CV and cover letter through the Expertise France platform. Applications will be reviewed by: Dr. Théophile Kusiaku Residential Governance Lead Expert at the Technical Assistance Facility (DAT) at the Project Management Unit (PMU) of the MSPP, Chad Mail: theo.kusiaku@expertisefrance.fr Ms. Vanessa Almengor Project Manager at LInitiative, Expertise France, Paris Mail: vanessa.almengor@expertisefrance.fr Tender Link : https://reliefweb.int/job/4116566/tchad-consultant-sante-plan-strategique-national-hf

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