Tenders Are Invited For Regional Coordinator-Ppr Eradication (Eccas)

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African Union Commission (AUC)
Tenders Are Invited For Regional Coordinator-Ppr Eradication (Eccas)
Central Africa
African Solidarity Fund (FSA),African Union

Work Detail

Tenders are invited for Regional Coordinator-PPR Eradication (ECCAS) Closing Date: 30 Dec 2024 Type: Consultancy The African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR), a specialized technical office of the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment (DARBE) of the African Union Commission, is mandated to support and coordinate the utilization of livestock, fisheries, aquaculture and wildlife as resources for both human wellbeing and economic development in the Member States of the African Union. The Vision of the AU-IBAR Strategic Plan 2024-2028 is an Africa in which animal resources contribute significantly to integration, prosperity and peace. Within the framework of the African Union Agenda 2063, the Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDeSA) environed an inclusive and sustainable livestock economy that significantly contributes to Africas transformation and growth. Small ruminants constitute an important part of the African livestock and represent a key element in food and nutrition security on the continent. Small ruminants are well adapted to the different agro-ecological zones and production systems in which they are reared. Farming small ruminants provide a safety net for women and youth who are vulnerable to socio-economic shocks and disturbances. Production, productivity, circulation, trade and marketing of sheep and goats in Sub-Saharan Africa are constrained by the presence of high impact transboundary animal diseases. Among those, Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) a viral disease affecting only small ruminants and their wild relatives, is the most sensitive one because of its contagiousness and the fatality rate observed. For many years, multiple partners and donors have been supporting various PPR control and eradication in different countries/regions. However, the efforts are still fragmented and inadequately coordinated, achieving limited short-term control of the disease and appear insufficient to hope for an eradication at continental level. Around ten years ago, Rinderpest, a viral disease very similar to PPR but affecting cattle and buffaloes, was successfully eradicated from Africa because of a strong continental coordination that was put in place with the support of the European Union. Now, PPR eradication has become a political objective for the African Union reaffirmed on several occasions. A plan of action and a global strategy has been put in place by the FAO/WOAH joint PPR Secretariat that coordinate the PPR Global Eradication Programme under the umbrella of the GF-TADs. AU-IBAR and partners with support of the European Union have developed an Action that aims to define concretely the needs and support for strengthening the continental/ regional actors to respond to the threats of transboundary diseases of sheep and goats in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), particularly PPR. The Action will also prepare the governance for coordinating the global PPR eradication in SSA and for coordination at continental level. Finally, the Action will prepare and organize the vaccination strategy needed to eradicate PPR based on the state of play of the various existing initiatives and capacities. This Action should be considered as the first phase to initiate a larger approach to eradicate PPR in Africa in the years to come. It will be used to inform a harmonized continental strategy supported by a theory of change and a comprehensive Business Plan for eradication of PPR. Subsequent implementation phases will entail targeted evidence-based interventions for a time-bound eradication process. Tender Link : https://reliefweb.int/job/4114763/regional-coordinator-ppr-eradication-eccas

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