Engineering Services – Bridge Program: Non-Mandatory Preferred Supplier Agreement . The Objective Of This Rfp Is To Solicit Proposals From Qualified And Experienced Engineering Consultants. The Successful Proponents Will Provide Ongoing Engineering Services For Sturgeon County’S Bridge Program On County Owned Lands, Leased, Or Managed As Required Within Sturgeon County. Under The Resulting Agreement From This Opportunity, The County Is Looking To Prequalify And Contract With Up To Three (3) Consultants To Provide These Services. The Top-Ranking Proponent Will Be The Primary Consultant With The Second And Third Highest Ranking Proponents Listed As Secondary Consultants. The County Reserves The Right To Engage With The Successfully Awarded Proponent(S) As Required Throughout The Agreement Term At Their Sole Discretion.
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.