South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC),APAC (Asia Pacific)
Work Detail
Request for Information for Capture High-Resolution LiDAR Data with a Minimum of Eight Returns to Create a 3d Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Activity No 1: Capture high-resolution LiDAR data with a minimum of eight returns to create a 3D Digital Terrain Model (DTM) with an absolute vertical accuracy of 0.25 meters for selected areas to visualize potential natural and man-made landslide and cut slope failures areas within a 3D environment, including topographic Digital Elevation Models (DEM), 3D buildings and Infrastructure network covering the high-landslide prone area of 10,000 SqKm. Activity No 2: Conduct river corridor surveys, including river bed bathymetry, using a combination of suitable techniques such as echo-sounders (either using single beam or multi-beams) for deep waters and separate solutions for shallow water, and ground surveys using LiDAR scanners in combination with global Navigation Satellite System Real-Time Kinematic (GNSS RTK) surveys with preferred vertical accuracy of 0.5 meters for 5 rivers and 1.5 meters for about 17 rivers separately depending on topography.LiDAR surveys will include a 100-meter-wide corridor along both of the riverbanks in selected rivers including areas where rivers flow through dense forest. The total area of the survey is approximately 49,000 SqKm. Activity No 3: Develop a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) ensuring hydrological consistency while preserving terrain features such as ridges and depth lines, break lines and hydrological barriers for an area of about 49,000 SqKm with an absolute vertical posting accuracy of less than 1.5 meters and an absolute horizontal accuracy of less than 7.5 meters. The grid spacing of the DTM shall be less than 1.5 meters, and the reproduction or upscaling of satellite imageries using AI to develop DTM shall not be acceptable. The DTM shall be manually modified to capture all physical features and hydrological characteristics such as roads, Dams, flood bunds, waterways, etc. Tender Link :
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