Tenders are invited for Research and Analysis Agreement for Accountable Humanitarian Response in Chad. Closing Date: 13 Dec 2024 Type: Consultancy Themes: Protection and Human Rights/Water Sanitation Hygiene Context Since 2018, GTS has been monitoring the perceptions of people affected by crises in Chad to assess whether they believe their views are actually influencing humanitarian decision-making. GTS conducted eight phases of data collection to explore the perceptions of affected communities in Chad on the humanitarian assistance they received. In 2024, GTS undertook individual projects with two international organizations operating in Chad, in the Sila region, to better integrate peoples opinions and feedback into their project programming. GTS will continue to collect perception surveys in the coming year or years with various partners. Objective of the partnership GTS is seeking the services of an Independent Service Provider based in Chad to enter into a framework agreement. The agreement will come into force when the contractor has successfully completed all required steps in our procurement process, which includes, but is not limited to, the submission of all relevant documents, the conduct of interviews and the provision of references, and has been selected by the GTS procurement team. The framework agreement will be valid for a period of two years and does not oblige GTS to engage the Independent Contractor for specific projects. However, the Independent Contractor will be considered for all future projects during the term of the agreement, provided that their skills and abilities match the requirements of the project. For each specific project, GTS will ask the Independent Contractor to submit a brief technical and financial proposal. These proposals will be reviewed by the Bid Analysis Committee committee, and the most appropriate and best value Independent Contractor will be selected for the project. We are looking for research partners who can collect data from refugee camps, returnees, displaced people, and the general population in Lac, Chari Baguirmi, Logone Oriental, Mandoul, Moyen Chari, Sila, Ouaddai, and Wadi Fira, with experience in collecting quantitative data and conducting surveys among people in humanitarian need. For this first call, we are asking Independent Contractors to also submit a technical and financial proposal for two quantitative data collections described below. Independent Contractors who do not submit a technical and financial proposal for one of the specific projects described below may nevertheless be considered for the framework agreement. Project Overview The current project involves conducting two data collections using perception surveys designed by Ground Truth Solutions in Sila. GTS aims to survey Chadian communities in Sila to better understand their experiences, perceptions and preferences regarding the humanitarian assistance they receive. The questionnaires will focus on the perceptions of people who have received assistance directly from the humanitarian coordination and different actors in this region, with content tailored to the objectives of each data collection. The specifications for each of the two data collections include the following (the list is not exhaustive, depending on the scope of each data collection, the activities listed below may vary): A test phase of the questionnaire Data collection Questionnaire: approximately 30 minutes per questionnaire. The questions will be binary, multiple-choice, Likert-scale, and will include open-ended questions. Translation languages: French, translation into other local languages spoken in Chad is subject to the agreement of the independent service provider. The project aims to conduct surveys in the locations specified in the table below: (Based on additional information, the sample below may be refined to meet our research objectives, the figures provided are a rough estimate of the size of the data collections to expect): Data collection Project A Sample Size: 800 Region: Sila Location of sites: 400 data points in villages located within a radius of about 30 km from Dogdore and another 400 km around Louboutigue. Target group: General population Data collection start date: January 2025 (Week 3) Last data collection end date: January 2025 (Week 5) Project B Sample Size: 800 Region: Sila Location of sites: Camps and sites for displaced persons and refugees in Deguessa, Goz Amir, Zabout, Djabal, Kerfi Target group: Refugees and returnees Data collection start date: February 2025 (Week 1) Last data collection end date: February 2025 (Week 3) Sample Demographic Specifications: All respondents must be 18 years of age or older; The sample will aim for an equal gender distribution (50% men and 50% women); Whenever possible, 15% of respondents will identify as living with a disability. Data collection methodology The independent contractor must demonstrate that it has a methodology to test the survey. Within villages/camps and sites, the provider should propose an approach to ensure randomness of sampling at the local level. The proposal should include a description of how this can be ensured and how it has been done for previous projects. When submitting the methodology and detailed budget documents, the provider is requested to take into account the duration of the on-site verification of the pre-identified locations by GTS, obtaining key information from the relevant humanitarian organisations present on the ground. The Independent Contractor must describe in detail the data quality checks it performs on a daily basis (how it has proceeded with previous data collections) and how it identifies poor quality data and fraudulent investigations. The independent service provider must clearly state how the data will be collected in an accountable manner that ensures that no harm is caused to any person directly or indirectly involved. The provider is required to follow the Referral Protocol for Protective Incidents. Investigators will be trained to identify and report cases safely. The Independent Contractor must have a risk assessment protocol and protocols in place for the protection of its investigators and how GTS will be informed and involved if necessary. Working together with GTS GTS is used to being heavily involved in the data collection phase. GTS will co-facilitate the training of investigators. At the beginning of the collection, the independent service provider must be available for daily checks with the GTS team. Throughout the data collection process, the ISV will submit brief daily progress reports in the form of a questionnaire pre-established by GTS (see III. Your candidacy > C. Summary of activities, last bullet of the paragraph). These reports will include: The total number and percentage of investigations completed. Information on the sampling carried out in each community surveyed on the same day. Any complications that occur during the day. The contextual information needed by GTS to correctly interpret the quality of the data obtained (e.g., if the sampling step was not applied because it is a former school where IDPs live next to each other, or if an interviewer made a mistake and ticked the wrong village/status or if an interview had to be conducted to please certain authorities). The villages planned for the next day. Any other relevant comments or questions. The independent provider will submit a final report after the data has been collected, indicating the number of successful surveys, compliance with the agreed survey and sampling strategy, and any relevant observations and questions. Contractual arrangements The contract will be between the independent service provider and GTS and will specify the quality and data assurance controls. GTS expects the Independent Contractor and its staff to comply with GTSs requests and protocols during data collection, and especially when in direct contact with people living in the communities visited for surveys. Before the interviews can begin, all necessary authorizations and consents must be obtained. All data obtained in connection with this assignment is the exclusive property of GTS. The Independent Provider will not be allowed to use or disseminate the data obtained in any way without the prior consent of GTS. GTS Policies Code de conduite Le partenaire sélectionné veillera à ce que tous les enquêteurs et enquêtrices respectent le code de conduite de GTS (annexe A). Si lun des aspects du code de conduite nest pas respecté, GTS se réserve le droit de suspendre le paiement jusquà ce que les données aient été collectées conformément au code de conduite susmentionné. Si le comportement de lagent recenseur constitue une violation fondamentale du code de conduite, compromettant la sécurité ou le bien-être des participants ou portant atteinte à la réputation de lorganisation, GTS se réserve le droit de résilier immédiatement le contrat de lenquêteur et enquêtrice et du partenaire sélectionné. Dans les cas où il est porté à lattention de GTS que les actions des enquêteurs ou enquêtrices ont constitué une violation manifeste des pratiques de protection (par exemple, exploitation et abus sexuels), GTS le signalera également aux autorités compétentes. Ne pas nuire et réduire les risques Le partenaire doit clairement indiquer comment les données seront collectées de manière responsable. Il doit sassurer que tout risque pour les répondant·e·s a été soigneusement identifié et que des mesures datténuation ont été prises pour éviter tout préjudice aux personnes directement ou indirectement concernées. Le partenaire contribuera à lélaboration dun protocole de renvoi des incidents de protection et sera tenu de sy conformer. Les chercheur·euse·s/enquêteurs et enquêtrices seront formé·e·s à lidentification et Tender Link : https://reliefweb.int/job/4112618/accord-de-recherche-et-danalyse-pour-une-reponse-humanitaire-redevable-au-tchad