Expression of Interest For Selection Of Consultant For Groundwater Potential Assessment, Detail Reconnaissance Hydrogeological Study, Groundwater Feasibility Study, Contract Administration & Supervision Of Drilling Of Test Wells
Expression of Interest For Selection Of Consultant For Groundwater Potential Assessment, Detail Reconnaissance Hydrogeological Study, Groundwater Feasibility Study, Contract Administration & Supervision Of Drilling Of Test Wells
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, COMESA,African Union
Work Detail
Expression of Interest for Selection of Consultant for Groundwater Potential Assessment, Detail Reconnaissance Hydrogeological Study, Groundwater Feasibility Study, Contract Administration & Supervision of Drilling of Test Wells in Shone Area, Central Ethiopia Region. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Undertake water demand assessment for multipurpose utilization. Determine the hydrogeological condition of the area: identify sites, evaluate recharge and discharge conditions, delineate spatial distribution of different aquifers, determine hydraulic parameters, analyse water quality of the aquifers and assess impacts of future exploitation of the potential aquifers. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the groundwater resources on selected potential sites or prospective areas Bidding document preparation for drilling and testing of test/pilot production wells Supervision of test and/or pilot production wells drilling and testing Carry out analytical and/or numerical model of the main aquifer of the area to recommend appropriate groundwater exploitation and management Evaluate the groundwater resources and develop strategy of groundwater resources development with their cost estimates. Create detailed groundwater resource potential maps Identify promising areas for groundwater development Conduct enhancement of the national groundwater database and carry out massive processing and uploading of existing data collected from all over the country Build the capacity of MoWE and Regional Water Bureaus by providing on- the-job training and short courses in groundwater exploration, development and management SCOPE OF SERVICES: The assignment has two major components, and it is a mixture of LUMP SUM and TIME-BASED CONTRACT: Groundwater Study and Design and Drilling Supervision of ten (10) Test Wells In addition to carry out groundwater data preparation and capacity building and information dissemination. PERSON MONTH AND DURATION: It has 43 Person-Month for LUM SUM Contract and 32 Person Month for TIME BASED Contract and implantation Period of 420 Calendar days and the expected start of implementation is from the beginning of May 2025. Region: Addis Ababa [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link :
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