Notice of Information (Advance Notice) (NOI) for Advance Notice | Sir Mark Dunajtschik Mental Health Centre, Hutt Hospital Campus Main Contractor Open Date: Friday, 8 November 2024 10:30 AM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+13:00) Close Date: Monday, 16 December 2024 5:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+13:00) Tender Type: Notice of Information (Advance Notice) (NOI) Tender Coverage: Sole Agency Regions: Wellington Required Pre-qualifications: None Overview: This Advance Notice aims to inform the construction market about Health New Zealands (Health NZs) intention to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a qualified contractor to deliver the new Sir Mark Dunajtschik Mental Health Centre (SMDMHC) on the Hutt Hospital campus. This project has been made possible by a generous donation from philanthropists Sir Mark Dunajtschik and his partner Dorothy Spotswood, allowing Health NZ to advance the design of the SMDMHC. The facility will provide a safe and therapeutic environment for patients and their families, featuring 34 inpatient beds and administrative spaces across a total area of 3,900 m², as well as an additional 800 m² of internal courtyards on a site that Pilmuir House and Kowhai House previously occupied. The project aims for a 5-star Green Star Design & As Built v1.0 rating, with an indicative construction budget of $55 million. Acceptance of any tender proposal will be contingent upon the approval of an Implementation Business Case to address emerging cost pressures in Health NZs infrastructure pipeline, and we are looking for a motivated partner to assist us to mitigate these cost pressures. Due to a variety of circumstances, Health NZ was unable to reach an agreement with the Preferred Contractor engaged through an Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) Agreement. Health NZ will now conduct a single-stage RFP with pre-qualification criteria that focus on the contractors experience with projects of this scale and their ability to operate in environments similar to this setting. Below is a summary of target milestone activities and dates to assist the market in planning its response to the upcoming RFP: RFP Posted to GETS: Wednesday, 27/11/24 (The RFP package will contain a Schedule of Quantities (SoQ) for all non-building services trades except carpentry) Deadline to Register for Site Visit: Friday, 29/11/24 Main Contractor Site Visit: Tuesday, 03/12/24 Subcontractor Site Visit for Hospital Interface Works: Wednesday, 04/12/24 Notice to Tenders (NTT) with the Carpentry SOQ: Friday, 20/12/24 Deadline for Questions: Friday, 17/01/25 Deadline for Answers: Friday, 24/01/25 RFP Closing Date: Thursday, 30/01/25 RFP Evaluation & Negotiations: 31/01/25 28/02/25 Estimated Date of Tender Acceptance: Friday, 23/05/25 Please do not submit a response or questions to this Advance Notice. Tender Link :
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.