Registration of Interest (ROI) for B230 Main Contractor Eoi Open Date: Friday, 8 November 2024 3:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+13:00) Close Date: Thursday, 28 November 2024 1:00 PM (Pacific/Auckland UTC+13:00) Tender Type: Registration of Interest (ROI) Tender Coverage: Sole Agency Regions: Auckland Required Pre-qualifications: None Overview: Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland (UoA), intends to redevelop an existing site in Sector 200 of the City Campus to construct a new multi-storey building B230 that will provide academic accommodation, teaching spaces, and a multi-functional performing arts space. As part of the B230 development, the refurbishment of the heritage building B240 at 5 Alten Road is also proposed, with a shared project completion date. UoA aims to achieve 6 Star Green Star ratings for both Design and As-Built certifications and intends to adopt a Soft Landings framework throughout the project. The purpose of this Expression of Interest (EOI) is to invite parties to provide an understanding of their capacity and experience to provide Main Contractor services to the UoA for the B230 project. In particular: the contractors ability to resource and deliver the project; future workloads and alignment with the project programme; ability to comply with the commercial parameters; and ability to comply with the non-price attribute (incl. gateway) requirements. The intended outcome of the EOI process is to form a shortlist of Main Contractors for a Request for Proposal (Non-Priced Attributes, P&G and Margin + key subtrades) process for the project. Tender Link :
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