Request for Proposal For Consultancy Services For Reviewing And Updating Regulatory Frameworks

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Request for Proposal For Consultancy Services For Reviewing And Updating Regulatory Frameworks
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC,APAC (Asia Pacific)

Work Detail

Request for proposals for Consultancy Services for Reviewing and Updating Regulatory Frameworks, and the Development Guidelines and Operational Manuals for the Climate-Proofing Transport Infrastructure for the Government of Papua New Guinea (Png) SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work for this consultancy is based on three main outputs, each with specific tasks and sub-deliverables that contribute to the overall project objectives. The Consultant will undertake the following: Output 1: Review and Update Climate Resilient Road Design Standards. The review and update of the climate-resilient road design standards will ensure and regulate the design and construction of road transport infrastructure to withstand the impacts of climate change. These design standards will incorporate advanced science and research, translating future climate projections into technical guidance for engineers and architects. It will cover road transport assets in the following category. Road pavement and road materials, drainage systems, bridges with similar infrastructure structural design, vegetation along roads, plus all other existing standard designs to ensure transport infrastructures can withstand extreme weather events and continue to provide critical services to communities § Task 1.1: The consultant will collect and analyze current existing road infrastructure codes, designs, and standards in PNG by identifying scope, variables, risks, and data with a focus on climate change scenarios for the given territory (PNG) and exposure and sensitivity analysis of road assets to climate change. § Task 1.2: The consultant will assess and prioritize risks. This stage includes vulnerability analysis to identify critical elements of road infrastructure compatible codes, designs, and standards. § Task 1.3: Developing and selecting adaptation responses and strategies. This stage outlines the identification, selection, and prioritization of adaptation responses identified within stages 1 and 2. Output 2: Develop climate-proofing transport infrastructure development guidelines that integrate GESI consideration. The above will inform the guideline on climate-proofing transport infrastructure development, which will capture a step-by-step methodological approach to assist DoWH in incorporating climate change adaptation measures into transport sector road infrastructure. This will capture an understanding of how climate change impacts should also be used in the design of infrastructure planning and development policies and strategies to ensure we design road infrastructures for current climate conditions. § Task 2.1: Conduct desktop reviews on existing guidelines within and abroad to help develop the guideline § Task 2.2: Consult with relevant stakeholders, including private representatives, on Climate Resilient Road Design Standards Climate Proofing Transport Infrastructure Development Guidelines to help develop the guideline § Task 2.3: Integrate results into decision-making processes by documenting a step-by-step policy integration process. The results of stages 1-2 should be effectively incorporated into asset management plans, investment plans, traffic management strategies, and other strategic documents and standards for DoWH. Output 3: Develop Operations Manuals for the entire life cycle of road infrastructure integrating climate change and GESI considerations. The Operational Manuals for the Life Cycle Assessment of Road Infrastructures (roads, bridges, and culverts) investigates the sustainable practice of constructing the infrastructures, operation and maintenance of the infrastructures, and final disposal of an infrastructure, removal or reuse of the material. The manuals that were developed must be in alignment with the new PNG road design manual for 2016. § Task 3.1 Review the existing operational manuals and develop a new operational Manuals (5 manuals) for the entire life cycle of road infrastructure integrating climate change and GESI considerations § Task 3.2 Consult with relevant stakeholders, including private representatives, to help improve the manuals. This task will be carried out together and at the same time as task 2.2 above § Task 3.3: Integrating results into decision-making processes by documenting a step-by-step policy integration process. Namely, the results of stages 1-2 should be effectively incorporated into DoWHs or the countrys road infrastructure operational manual and policies. § Task 3.4: Conduct a sensitization workshop with 20 private sector companies involved in road design and construction to raise their awareness of standards, guidelines, and operational manuals. Tender Link :

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