Expression of Interest are invited for Supply of Non Food Items in Chad The objective of this call for expressions of interest is to prequalify suppliers of nonfood items for supply in different localities in Chad. The food items frequently ordered by IOM include emergency shelter kits, hygiene kits, kitchen kits and other nonfood items supporting emergency humanitarian responses. The expression of interest must include the following information: Brief presentation of the company, including the number of employees, turnover and number of years in business. List of references attesting to the qualifications required to participate in the next tender procedure: attach previous contracts and letter of reference relating to the supply of NFI items to CHAD) Contact information: full name and address, country, phone number, email address, website, and contact person. Declaration of Conformity Supplier information sheet Note: Prices are not requested at this stage. Expressions of interest submitted in English and French will be accepted Certificates and licenses: Duly authorized to act as an agent on behalf of the manufacturer, or power of attorney, if the bidder is not a manufacturer. Official appointment as a local representative, if the bidder submits a bid on behalf of an entity located outside the country. Patent registration certificates, if any of the technologies submitted in the bid are patented by the bidder. Export/import licenses, if applicable. Any documentation showing that the bidder is able to sell the requested items. (Registration of a Chamber of Commerce, a Certificate of Commerce, etc.) Tender Link :
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.