Request for Proposal For Consultancy Services For Capacity Building And Knowledge Exchange On Climate-Resilient Road Infrastructure For The Department Of Works And Highways
Request for Proposal For Consultancy Services For Capacity Building And Knowledge Exchange On Climate-Resilient Road Infrastructure For The Department Of Works And Highways
Request for proposals are invited for Consultancy Services for Capacity Building and Knowledge Exchange on Climate-Resilient Road Infrastructure for the Department of Works and Highways, Papua New Guinea SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of work for this consultancy is structured around two main outputs, each with specific tasks and sub-deliverables that contribute to the overall project objectives. The Consultant will undertake the following: Output 1: Capacity Building for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Development § Task 1.1: The consultant will Conduct a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) to assess the current technical capacity and knowledge gaps within the DoWH staff regarding climate-resilient infrastructure. The TNA will identify specific areas for improvement in the planning, design, and management of climate-resilient road infrastructure. § Task 1.2: The consultant will develop a comprehensive training curriculum based on the TNA findings. The curriculum should cover key topics such as: § Climate risk assessments for infrastructure projects. § Technical standards for climate-resilient road infrastructure. § Gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) in infrastructure planning. § Financial mechanisms for resilient infrastructure. § Road infrastructure asset management § Task 1.3: The consultant will deliver a series of hybrid and face-to-face interactive training sessions designed to enhance the capacity of DoWH staff. These sessions will include both theoretical instruction and practical exercises, and adult learning principles using case studies and group activities to reinforce learning. § Task 1.4: The consultant will evaluate the effectiveness of the training through pre- and post-training assessments, measuring improvements in the participants understanding of climate-resilient infrastructure. Output 2: Facilitation of the South-South Knowledge Exchange (Exposure Visit) § Task 2.1: The consultant will Plan and Design the Exposure Visit. The consultant will identify relevant countries and develop an itinerary for the South-South Knowledge Exchange (Exposure Visit). The visit will focus on exposing DoWH personnel to successful climate-resilient road infrastructure projects, especially in countries facing climate challenges similar to those of PNG. § Task 2.2: The consultant will coordinate and facilitate the exposure visit, ensuring that participants engage with international experts and observe real-world examples of climate-resilient infrastructure. § Task 2.3 The consultant will ensure all travel documents are properly processed and ready before the teams leave PNG. § Task 2.4: The consultant will organize a debriefing session with DoWH participants to review key insights and lessons learned. A final report will be prepared summarizing how the visits lessons can be applied in PNG. HOW TO OBTAIN THE DOCUMENTS: Documents can be accessed via the e-Green Procurement Portal by selecting View Details on the relevant notice and then clicking the Tender Application button. If you are a new supplier, you will be required to register your details. If you have an existing account, you will need to login to the portal. Please refer to the guidance documents under the `Supplier Guidance` area of the portal for further information. ONLINE TENDER MANAGEMENT: Once in the Tender Management Area for the tender, there are five possible tabs: Tender, `Tender Documents`, Correspondence, Clarifications and History. Select the 2nd tab (`Tender Documents`) where you will find useful information regarding the RFP. Scroll down to the heading Tender Documents Received where you will be able to view / download the documents. OPTING IN & OPTING OUT: Please note that you may be required to Opt In before you can start populating your response. The Opt Out functionality will also be available throughout the duration of the tender process. Opting out will give you the option of declaring you no longer want to receive any further communication in relation to this tender along with the opportunity of providing comments and feedback for this decision. You can choose to Opt In at any time during the tender process if you initially decided to Opt Out. SUBMITTING YOUR RESPONSE VIA THE PORTAL: Please note that you may be required to Opt In to be able to submit a response through the portal. Tenderers will be required to upload any mandatory Placeholders (i.e., specified documents) within the `Tender Documents` tab. The ability to attach additional documents may also be available. Your proposal will not be submitted until you click `Submit Return`, located towards the bottom of the screen. On clicking `Submit Return`, you will receive a receipt confirming that your proposal has been submitted to GGGI. Please read Instructions on How to submit the Proposal. Tender Link :
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