Arab World1,Gulf Cooperation Council, GCC,Middle East,Middle East and North Africa, MENA
Work Detail
Tenders are invited for Executive Office Desk Set. Documents price - KD 250 Bid bond: KD 15,000 A pre-tendering meeting/ inquiry session will be held at 10:00 am on Sunday, 06.10.2024, at the supply and stores deartment. Contractors should submit two copies of the whole tenders submitted including all tender doc and other doc which required to be submitted with the tender. Contractors/ companies should submit their enquiries to the interested body at time and place which are mentioned above of the pre-tendering meeting (inquiry session). This tender is dividable. The certificate of observance of the national manpower employment rate issued by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor, valid for one year, should be submitted with the offer. This announcement is considered to be an integral part of the tenders documents. In accordance with Article 48 of Public Tenders Law no. 49 of 2016 which states that: The envelopes of bids shall be opened at the time and place set forth in the tender documents in a public session in the presence of bidders or their representatives - This announcement is considered to be an attendance invitation to the tenderers so that companies wishing to attend the envelope clearing session are entitled to coordinate with the tender opening department the day before the session. - Bidders should deposit the tender together with the following docs: 1. A copy of the Civil ID. 2. A written Authorization letter from the person who is accredited by the CAPT. 3. A copy of signature Tender Link : Kuwait Digest
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.