Tenders Are Invited For Consultancy In Development Of A Planned Relocation Policy

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International Organization for Migration (IMO)
Tenders Are Invited For Consultancy In Development Of A Planned Relocation Policy
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC,APAC (Asia Pacific)

Work Detail

Tenders are invited for Consultancy in Development of a Planned Relocation Policy Closing Date: 3 Oct 2024 Type: Consultancy Project Context and Scope: Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security Programme (PCCM-HS) Phase II The programme contributes to strengthened resilience and adaptive capacity of Pacific Islanders in the context of climate change and disasters, ensuring that migration and relocation remains a choice, and displacement is averted, minimized and addressed. The programme will support the following outcomes: Governments cooperate at the (Pacific) regional and sub-regional level to manage climate mobility (outcome 1). Pacific Governments develop and implement national policies to address climate mobility (outcome 2). Pacific civil society actors, worker and employer organizations, and communities actively engage in national, regional and global processes to manage climate mobility (outcome 3). The programme is being delivered through a partnership, with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as the lead agency, alongside UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), along with the Platform on Disaster Displacement (PDD) and Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS). This consultancy will focus on the development of planned relocation policy for PNG grounded in research, analysis and preparation of key documents and recommendations. The planned relocation policy will be developed in close coordination with the Climate Change Development Authority (CCDA), Government of PNG along with the interdepartmental working group (IWG) and IOM PNG. Organizational Department / Unit to which the Consultant is contributing: Under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission in Papua New Guinea (PNG), and under the direct supervision of the PCCMHS focal point in PNG and in coordination with the Pacific Climate Change Migration and Human Security (PCCMHS) Programme Manager based in Suva, Fiji, and in close coordination with the Climate Change Development Authority (CCDA), Government of PNG along with the Interdepartmental Working Group (IWG), the consultant will be responsible for the development of planned relocation policy in Papua New Guinea. Category B Consultants: Tangible and measurable outputs of the work assignment The implementation period is till December 2025. The delivery dates identified in the agreed workplan should correspond with key dates for national consultations and other relevant meetings under the PCCMHS programme. First deliverable -Workplan- Upon commencement of the consultancy and following discussion and coordination with the CCDA and/or IWG, the consultant will provide an updated workplan, detailing the activities towards the development of the national policy, including roles and responsibilities, approach to primary and secondary data collection and delivery dates. The work plan will include: a) Detailed list of references for the situation analysis (see below): - Relevant literature and available data sources - Available indicators - Detailed list of relevant policies and legislation - Overview of key stakeholders b) Timeline for completion of the exercise and relevant deliverables c) Tentative list of stakeholders to be consulted, location and modality to conduct interviews The workplan should be submitted in a word document, as well as in a presentation format for discussion with relevant stakeholders. Following a presentation to the IWG and/or CCDA and IOM PNG, the revised workplan should be submitted after 1 day with incorporated feedback. Estimated Delivery: 5 days Delivery details: Submission of the first draft of workplan with incorporated feedback from stakeholders and timelines of deliverables. Second deliverable Situational analysis paper and methodology for stakeholder consultation- The situational analysis should be based on a comprehensive desk review of existing climate mobility policies (covering planned relocation, displacement and migration) and guidelines in PNG and the Pacific region, relevant evaluations and data on displacement management, planned relocation, labour mobility as well as documents outlined in the workplan and proposed in Annex I. The paper, drafted and referenced according to the IOM House style Manual, should contain the following information: the current trends related to climate mobility in PNG including the major climate change impacts and natural hazards; how does this affect mobility trends in the country; who is being affected, including what are the major social/economic/vulnerability risk factors; what is the scale and distribution of impact and where and how do we expect this to change over time. Existing and applicable legislation or policies in PNG and the Pacific region; mapping of key institutions, actors, stakeholders and relevant past or current interventions aligned to the above-mentioned policy objectives. Based on the review of existing literature, identification of policy, data and operational gaps and challenges, as well as opportunities and good practices. Rationale for policy development including justification for why this should be considered now and what the impact will be. Revisiting the workplan, the methodology for national-level stakeholder and community consultation will include: Key research questions and conceptual framework for analysis Sources of data and information, including identification of key stakeholders Primary data collection methods and tools, including participatory and inclusive approaches for national-level stakeholder and community consultation Sampling design/site selection for community consultation Approach to research ethics, including any research ethics approvals and processes which will be undertaken and evidenced, and any relational or substantive ethical considerations and their management Risks, Limitations and adjustments Timeline of data collection, analysis and drafting Estimated Delivery Date: 10 days Delivery details: Submission of situational analysis and methodology in a word document, as well as in a presentation format for discussion with relevant stakeholders. Following a presentation to IOM and CCDA and/or IWG and discussion, the revised output should be submitted after 3 days taking into account inputs provided. Third deliverable - National- and community-level stakeholder consultation: summary report In coordination with the IOM and CCDA and/or IWG, the consultant will conduct consultations with national stakeholders and communities based on the agreed methodology. Such consultations will be sequential and will focus on: Validating the information in the situational analysis; and obtaining information and recommendations of stakeholders on the proposed contents of the national policy. The latter will specifically include priority areas for the policy, main outputs to be included in the policy and potential roles of the individual stakeholders. Conducting surveys with stakeholders to identify the capacity gaps on managing climate mobility (psychosocial /spiritual support, planned relocation processes, human rights and gender equality informed approaches) in PNG. This will seek to inform the sixth deliverable on the development of the training content. As documentation of the consultations, the consultant will prepare: Short summary reports of the various consultations/data collection processes including geographical, gender and age disaggregation of participants, dates, any ethics approvals, and a brief outline of other ethical considerations and undertakings such as data protection approaches. Draft outline for planned relocation policy, including background, key principles, objective, scope, content, structure follow-up and review of national policy on climate mobility. The draft outline should take into account the feedback from stakeholders on the situational analysis. The outline should ensure that all stages of planned relocation are considered: prior, during and post-planned relocation. Estimated Delivery Date: 40 days Delivery details: Submission of the draft planned relocation policy (outline) inclusive of key findings from consultations and processed data and feedback from stakeholders in a word document. This should also be prepared in a presentation format for discussion with relevant stakeholders. Following a presentation to relevant stakeholders IOM and CCDA and/or IWG and discussion, the revised output should be submitted after 3 days taking into account inputs provided. Fourth deliverable- Working draft of the National Policy on Planned Relocation In keeping with the requirements of the national processes for formalization of policies and the nature/scope of the policy document as determined by the stakeholder consultations, the consultant will draft the working draft setting out the proposed policy. This working document will be prepared in the format required by the relevant Ministry for submission to Cabinet. The contents of the working document will include: Context/situational analysis (including key stakeholders), objectives, scope, recommendations, key principles, implementation plan (theory of change), risks, timelines, monitoring and evaluation framework The implementation plan should include key recommended components of Standard Operating Procedures, training manuals, and capacity building on topics inclusive of sensitivity of relocation, landownership delivery, displacement and impacts on gender and related issues. Glossary for key definitions and concepts A validation workshop aimed at discussing the draft policy will be organized to retrieve inputs of national stakeholders on the draft and its components. The consultant will be required to provide technical assistance to the Tender Link : https://reliefweb.int/job/4094739/consultancy-development-planned-relocation-policy

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