Tenders are invited for Request for Proposal (Rfp) for the Appointment of a Suitable Service Provider for the Provision of Trailer and Bus Recovery/Towing Services, Accident Scene Clearing & Rehabilitation as and when Required Place where services required: 30 wolmarans street - Braamfontein - johannesburg - 2001 Special conditions: Non Compulsory briefing on teamsTeams Meeting ID: 395 367 623 421 Passcode: 6TUh4i https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NmE3MGRjY2ItN2YwMC00NjA4LTk2ODEtNzA0ODdlZmMzNmQ5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ef089e05-fa66-4ce1-99c1-feb47ce02989%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22181647e6-db85-4e3e-892d-2b6ef7741ef8%22%7d Date Published: 2024-09-09T00:00:00 Closing Date: 2024-10-09T12:00:00 Is there a briefing session: Yes Is it compulsory: Yes Briefing Date and Time: 2024-09-13T10:00:00 Briefing Venue: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NmE3MGRjY2ItN2YwMC00NjA4LTk2ODEtNzA0ODdlZmMzN Tender Link : https://app.bidsstack.com/tender/details/85002?query=
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.