Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS,African Union
Work Detail
Expression of Interest are invited for The Gambia: Risks to Early Childhood Development Phone Survey Data Collection Description: The Bank is looking for a firm (Survey Firm) to implement a data collection phone survey in The Gambia. The Evaluation Team from the Education Global Practice at the World Bank is fielding a nationally representative phone survey to ask parents/caregivers questions related to child development and parenting practices. The Survey Firm will use computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) to administer the survey provided by the World Bank team to 2,000 caregivers. Preferably, the Firm will create a nationally representative sample of households with phones using Random Digit Dialing or their existing database of phone numbers. If the Firm cannot create a nationally representative sample, the World Bank team may assist in collaborating with the national statistics office to provide household phone numbers for the survey. The Firm will also be responsible for translating the survey into local language(s) and training enumerators under the guidance of the World Bank team. Tender Link :
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