Tenders are invited for Acquisition of small equipment & garbage containers 1. The Government of the Republic of Gabon has received financing from the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) to finance the Terre Nouvelle watershed development works project and intends to use part of this financing to make payments under the Small Equipment & Garbage Containers Procurement Contract. 2. The Ministry of Public Works, is seeking sealed bids from eligible bidders who meet the required qualifications to supply small equipment & garbage trucks including two (2) backhoe loaders, eight (8) garbage trucks, two (2) Ampliroll trucks to be delivered to the Equipment Department of the Ministry of Public Works, within three (3) months. 3. The solicitation procedure will be International Competitive Bidding (ICB)/MP (Member Country) as defined in the Guidelines for the Procurement of Goods, Works and Related Services under IsDB-Financed Projects, April 2019 and revised in February 2023, (the Guidelines), and open to all bidders from eligible countries as defined in the Guidelines. Interested bidders are invited to review Clauses 1.18 to 1.21 of these Guidelines regarding the IsDBs rules on conflicts of interest. Tender Link : https://www.isdb.org/project-procurement/tenders
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