Arab World1,Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, COMESA,Middle East and North Africa, MENA,African Union
Work Detail
Quotation are invited for Renewal of DTSPO E1 100 MB November 2024 to October 2025. The purpose of this fixed-price contract is to provide a Dedicated network circuit to the U.S. Embassy including all engineering, labor, tools, equipment, materials, supplies and services. The U.S. Mission in Djibouti requires a 100 Mbps Dedicated Circuit Internet within the U.S. Embassy for the DTSPO connection . 1. Required Services The contractor, also referred to herein as the Internet Service Provider (ISP), shall provide Internet services and a leased line channel. This includes initial installation and activation, circuit performance monitoring and reporting, and ongoing operational and maintenance responsibilities. U.S. Embassy Djibouti invites you to submit a proposal for the Renewal of DTSPO E1 100 MB November 2024 to October 2025 as per attached Statement of Work. Initial Service Installation and activation The internet service provider (ISP) shall provide the following : A. Circuit connectivity from their main distribution frame or network core to the designated sites service delivery point . the circuit will enter the designated sites established and approved demarcation point. B. All labor and equipment required to complete the work at the designated sites service delivery point. C. A period not to exceed forty-eight (48) hours to performs testing to determine acceptance of the circuit. D. Information regarding the manufacturer, model and technical specifications of all contractor-owned routers and equipment that will be in the designated sites demarcation point. E. A central information technology (IT) point of contact (POC) to promptly coordinate technical issues during the initial service installation and activation process. F. If applicable , the ISP shall be responsible for gaining authorization to provide the service on the government of Djibouti owned network resources . this includes access to perform circuit installation and activation in and around areas under the control of government of Djibouti. G. If required, the ISP shall be responsible for the installation of any required wires and hardware above and below ground, in addition to any required local permits, authorizations and insurance. The conditions shall be returned to original within five (5 working days of the completion of initial installation and service activation. All cables shall be labeled on both input and output Tender Link :
We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.