Tenders are invited for Providing Catering and Cleaning Services. Al-Sarir Oil Operations Company intends to launch a public tender to provide catering and cleaning services in the A091 Ajkharah field and the A107 Nakhla field , provided that the work includes (but not specifically) the following main points : § Providing catering services to workers at the rate of breakfast, lunch and dinner meals, according to the different and varied types and items for the companys users, contractors and company guests, and providing drinks/coffee in the Ijkhara camp, the Nakhla facilities and all other company facilities in its desert operations in Libya. The above-mentioned services will also be provided sometimes on special occasions. , § Supplying food supplies according to the necessary health and safety conditions . § Providing cleaning services for all work rooms, offices, spaces, warehouses, containers, clinics, mosques and other facilities located at work sites . § Providing the necessary cleaning materials and equipment and distributing them to administrative rooms and offices on a periodic basis . § Providing daily laundry services and providing cleaning materials for washing and ironing clothes and sheets. Conditions and requirements for participation in the pre-qualification process: All companies wishing to apply for the purpose of pre-qualification mentioned above must meet all conditions and submit all information and electronic documents required in this announcement, knowing that any deficiency in the required documents detailed below will result in automatic exclusion from participation in this tender. 1. An official letter on your companys letterhead addressed to the Chairman of the Bidding Committee at Al Sarir Oil Operations Company containing the following basic information: § Clarifying your companys intention to participate in the pre-qualification of this tender, individually or jointly with another company. § Mention the name and pre-qualification number of the bid you wish to participate in. § The full official name of the company (or companies) applying to participate, the date of its establishment, the name of the company representative, the companys official email addresses, and phone numbers. § In the case of a joint submission between two or more companies, participants must define the role of each of them in detail in this letter. This includes defining roles with regard to the point of communication, distribution of tasks, responsibilities, and management. They must also stamp and sign this letter together. § Print this advertisement and stamp all its pages with your companys seal, then send an electronic copy to us with the rest of the required documents. 2. Fill out the attached Intent to Participate Form , the Intent to Bid Form , and the Evaluation Questionnaire Form and submit them with the attached files. 3. Submit the following documents and electronic documents according to the method described at the end of this announcement: - The complete legal file (in Arabic): Submit all necessary licenses and all legal papers and documents indicating registration in Libya, provided that they are valid for a period of no less than six (6) months from the date of the announcement. These documents are: ü An electronic copy of the commercial register, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry register, the license to practice commercial or industrial activity, and the tax payment certificate. ü An electronic copy of the Ministry of Economys approval (if this condition applies). ü An electronic copy of the companys contract of incorporation, articles of association, and any licenses depending on the nature of the announced bid. ü A written pledge from your company confirming the complete conformity between the type of activity licensed to you and registered in the clause (the purposes of your company) and the scope of work published in this announcement. ü Submitting documents proving the establishment of a joint company according to the legislation in force in Libya, whether it is between two entities (local and foreign) or two local entities. All parties to the joint company must send their registration documents in Libya. ü Submit solidarity agreements (if any) approved and certified by the competent authorities in Libya, containing the commitment of the solidarity parties, jointly or individually, to carry out all the required work and services and clarifying the legal representative of the solidarity parties. If the above-mentioned legal documents are not ready before the expiration date of this announcement (which will negatively affect your participation in this tender), you must send an official letter addressed to Al-Sarir Oil Operations Company detailing the deficiencies and the reason for not sending them and pledging that all these legal documents will be sent in full. And valid in the next stage of this bid (if you pass the pre-qualification stage)... The complete financial file (in Arabic or English and in one of the following currencies only: Libyan dinar, US dollar, or euro). Sending documents indicating the companys financial position (for the last three years, namely 2022, 2021, and 2020) approved by an external financial auditor. These documents are (the general budget report, the income statement report, and a cash flow report for all participating companies individually or collectively). These reports must be in either Libyan dinars, US dollars, or euros. These documents will not be accepted in any other language or currency other than those mentioned above. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.noc.ly/index.php/ar/?option=com_content&view=category&id=91