Tenders Are Invited For Project To Install Filters And Valves On Seawater Lines

Tender Detail

Tenders Are Invited For Project To Install Filters And Valves On Seawater Lines
Arab World1,Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, COMESA,Middle East and North Africa, MENA,African Union

Work Detail

Tenders are invited for A Project to Install Filters and Valves on Seawater Lines. This project consists of the purchase and installation of six (6) conical strainers, twelve (12) butterfly valves and associated piping, and two desalination units No.: 7 and 8, located in Area 1. This project is a complete purchase and construction (personal contract) for the supply of procurement and construction ( (including supply, construction, testing, commissioning and start-up of the mentioned facilities) and as described in the description and scope of work. · Terms and specifications documents will be withdrawn on all days of the week, except for Fridays, Saturdays, and official holidays, starting from the following day · Sunday , 05/19/2024 AD until Thursday , 05/30/2024 AD , during the period from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon . · For any inquiries, please contact the following phone numbers: · -Telephone and direct mail: 0647623113 · Exchange 0612230216 to 225 ext 22054 and 22053 Mobile phone 0924235469 & 0915235469 · You can also visit the Sirte Company website ( sirteoil.com.ly ) and the National Oil Corporation website ( www.noclibya.com.ly ). · You can also contact us at the following email: (MTC_SECT@SIRTEOIL.COM.LY) · The unpriced financial offer shall be accompanied by an initial insurance amounting to (5,000 L.D.) five thousand Libyan dinars under a letter of guarantee or a certified instrument issued by one of the banks operating in Libya in the name of the Sirte Oil and Gas Production and Manufacturing Company in a separate, sealed, waxed envelope . No bid will be accepted unless it is accompanied by the initial insurance. The value of the initial insurance will be refunded to those who did not win the bid. · The winning bidder must provide a final insurance (performance guarantee) in the amount of no less than 10 % of the total value within a period of 30 days from being notified of the acceptance of his offer. The final insurance must remain in effect for the duration of the contract, until the contractor fulfills all his obligations and is released. 50% of the final deposit upon delivery of the project, and the rest of the amount, the other 50%, will be released 12 months after the final delivery of the project, and after the contractor has fulfilled all of his contractual obligations stipulated in the contract. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.sirteoil.com.ly/?cat=99

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