Tenders Are Invited For Providing 1 X-Ray Tube For The Ge Imaging And Endoscopy Device

Tender Detail

Tenders Are Invited For Providing 1 X-Ray Tube For The Ge Imaging And Endoscopy Device
Arab World1,Middle East,Middle East and North Africa, MENA

Work Detail

Tenders are invited for Providing 1 x-ray tube for the GE imaging and endoscopy device located in the hospital (present goods). announces a tender - internal for the second time. The General Authority of Childrens Hospital announces - for the second time - its desire to conduct a tender (internal) to secure x-ray tube number 1 for the GE imaging and endoscopy device located in the hospital (present goods). File price . : /100,000/ SYP only, one hundred thousand Syrian pounds, nothing other than the temporary deposits: determined at an amount of /60,000,000/SYP only, sixty million Syrian pounds. Final deposits: 10% (ten percent) of the value of the referral. Delay fine: one per thousand for each day. Delay: The bidder has the right to submit his offer in foreign currencies, provided that payment is made exclusively in Syrian pounds on the due date according to the bulletin of average foreign exchange rates of the Central Bank of Syria, provided that the supplies and requirements for implementing the contract are imported and this is proven by official documents, according to the circulars and communications of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in particular. Duration of the bidders binding to his offer: The bidder remains bound to his offer for a period of 90 days (ninety days) starting from the day following the end of the deadline for submitting offers. As for the nominated bidder, 30 days from the date of referral in accordance with the provisions of Article 25 of Law 51 of 2004. Delivery period: within /45/ days from the day following the contractors notification of the start order Place of delivery: Hospital warehouses Required documents: An envelope of the identification papers stipulated in Law /51/ of 2004 and a subscription request attached to a receipt from the hospital fund paying the value of /100,000/ SYP only, one hundred thousand liras. Syria only, including temporary insurance + the financial offer envelope. Legal and financial condition books are obtained from the contracts department in the hospital during official working hours. Offers are submitted to the office of the authority located in (Damascus - Mezzeh - Al-Muwasat Street) until two-thirty in the afternoon on the day of Sunday, 5/12/2024. All offers that do not reach Diwan on time will be rejected. The offers will be opened on Monday, 5/13/2024, at nine oclock in the morning at the headquarters of the Tenders Committee. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : elan.gov.sy

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