Tender Result - Traffic calming measure by constructing Table top, speed hump etc. at ch. 17.355 Km, 15.140 Km, 14.450 Km, 11.930 Km, 11.205 Km of Sindri-Manbazar Road & ch. 4.875 Km, 1.530 Km, 0.850 Km, 0.570 Km of Manbazar-Bendwan-Kuilapal Road and ch. 4.000 Km, 3.400 Km of Manbazar-Bansa Road and ch. 0.360 km of Manbazar-Indkuri Road under Purulia Highway Division in the district of Purulia.; 1 Providing, laying and rolling of Open - graded premix surfacing of 20 mm thickness composed of 13.2 mm (@ 0.018 m³ per m²) and 11.2 mm (@ 0.009 m³ per m²) size stone aggregates (pakur variety) , including thoroughly cleaning of the surface, screening, cleaning and pre-heating stone chips and fully pre-coating the same either using viscosity grade paving bitumen or cut-back or emulsion, carrying the mixture by any suitable arrangements, laying the mixture uniformly over the surface, including line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base, including mixing in Mobile Hot Mix Plant (Light Duty) and thoroughly rolling with a smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity, finished to required level and grades including the cost and carriage of stone chips and matrix, heating the matrix, preheating the aggregatesto required temperature and including the hire charges of Mobile Hot Mix Plant (Light Duty) and other machinery, pay of operators, cost of fuel and lubricants etc. complete to be followed by seal coat of either Type A or Type B as per Technical Specification Clause 508 for Rural Roads of MORD using bitumen @ 1.46 kg/sq.m . (The supply of stone aggregates are to be measured in stack before use and the payment will be made on the basis of finished suface area) 2 Providing and laying Premixed Seal Coat (Type B) with approved quality grit (pakur variety)@ 0.6 cum/100 sqm and bitumen binder on freshly laid 20 mm thick Open - graded premix surfacing, including heating and mixing cleaned grit (100 % passing through 2.36 mm sieve and retained on 180 micron sieve) uniformly with bitumenbinder, laying and spreading the mix at an uniform rateusing suitable means, brushing the surface, if necessary, to ensure uniformity, followed by rolling with power roller including the cost and carriage of binder and aggregates, cost of heating the binder and aggregates and all other incidental charges, cost of fuel and lubricants, including hire charges of machineries, tools & plants required for construction and quality control complete as per Clause 511 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). By Manual Means with Hot Bitumen Binder (@ 6.80 kg / 10 sqm.) (The supply of grit are to be measured in stack before use and the payment will be made on the basis of finished surface area.) 3 Providing and laying bituminous macadam with Mobile Hot Mix Plant (Light Duty) using approved crushed aggregates of specified grading as per Table 500.7 premixed with bituminous binder, transported to site laid over a previously prepared surface at specified laying temperature by means of approved and suitable arrangements to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled with suitable power roller for break down, inter-mediate and finished rolling as per specification to achieve the desired compaction including cost and carriage of stone materials and bitumen, hire charges of machinery and equipment, cost of fuel and lubricants and wages of operational staff, quality control complete as per Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). For Grading 2 (19 mm nominal size, 50-75 mm thick.) 4 Providing and applying tack coat with Cationic Bitumen Emulsion of approved grade conforming to IS: 8887-1978 on the prepared surface cleaned with Hydraulic broom, moistening the surface including cost and carriage of emulsion, hire charges of machinery and labour, cost of fuel and lubricants all complete as per Clause 503 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). On Bituminous Surface (Using Bitumen Emulsion at the rate of 0.25 kg per sqm.)(Rs-I type) 5 Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as perIRC:35. The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes complete as per Clause 803 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). 6 Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing and Clause 801 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). 90 cm equilateral triangle. 7 Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing and Clause 801 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). 60 cm circular. 8 Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing and Clause 801 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). 80 mm x 60 mm rectangular.

Tender Detail

Public Works Roads Department
Traffic calming measure by constructing Table top, speed hump etc. at ch. 17.355 Km, 15.140 Km, 14.450 Km, 11.930 Km, 11.205 Km of Sindri-Manbazar Road & ch. 4.875 Km, 1.530 Km, 0.850 Km, 0.570 Km of Manbazar-Bendwan-Kuilapal Road and ch. 4.000 Km, 3.400 Km of Manbazar-Bansa Road and ch. 0.360 km of Manbazar-Indkuri Road under Purulia Highway Division in the district of Purulia.; 1 Providing, laying and rolling of Open - graded premix surfacing of 20 mm thickness composed of 13.2 mm (@ 0.018 m³ per m²) and 11.2 mm (@ 0.009 m³ per m²) size stone aggregates (pakur variety) , including thoroughly cleaning of the surface, screening, cleaning and pre-heating stone chips and fully pre-coating the same either using viscosity grade paving bitumen or cut-back or emulsion, carrying the mixture by any suitable arrangements, laying the mixture uniformly over the surface, including line, grade and level to serve as wearing course on a previously prepared base, including mixing in Mobile Hot Mix Plant (Light Duty) and thoroughly rolling with a smooth wheeled roller 8-10 tonne capacity, finished to required level and grades including the cost and carriage of stone chips and matrix, heating the matrix, preheating the aggregatesto required temperature and including the hire charges of Mobile Hot Mix Plant (Light Duty) and other machinery, pay of operators, cost of fuel and lubricants etc. complete to be followed by seal coat of either Type A or Type B as per Technical Specification Clause 508 for Rural Roads of MORD using bitumen @ 1.46 kg/sq.m . (The supply of stone aggregates are to be measured in stack before use and the payment will be made on the basis of finished suface area) 2 Providing and laying Premixed Seal Coat (Type B) with approved quality grit (pakur variety)@ 0.6 cum/100 sqm and bitumen binder on freshly laid 20 mm thick Open - graded premix surfacing, including heating and mixing cleaned grit (100 % passing through 2.36 mm sieve and retained on 180 micron sieve) uniformly with bitumenbinder, laying and spreading the mix at an uniform rateusing suitable means, brushing the surface, if necessary, to ensure uniformity, followed by rolling with power roller including the cost and carriage of binder and aggregates, cost of heating the binder and aggregates and all other incidental charges, cost of fuel and lubricants, including hire charges of machineries, tools & plants required for construction and quality control complete as per Clause 511 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). By Manual Means with Hot Bitumen Binder (@ 6.80 kg / 10 sqm.) (The supply of grit are to be measured in stack before use and the payment will be made on the basis of finished surface area.) 3 Providing and laying bituminous macadam with Mobile Hot Mix Plant (Light Duty) using approved crushed aggregates of specified grading as per Table 500.7 premixed with bituminous binder, transported to site laid over a previously prepared surface at specified laying temperature by means of approved and suitable arrangements to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled with suitable power roller for break down, inter-mediate and finished rolling as per specification to achieve the desired compaction including cost and carriage of stone materials and bitumen, hire charges of machinery and equipment, cost of fuel and lubricants and wages of operational staff, quality control complete as per Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). For Grading 2 (19 mm nominal size, 50-75 mm thick.) 4 Providing and applying tack coat with Cationic Bitumen Emulsion of approved grade conforming to IS: 8887-1978 on the prepared surface cleaned with Hydraulic broom, moistening the surface including cost and carriage of emulsion, hire charges of machinery and labour, cost of fuel and lubricants all complete as per Clause 503 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). On Bituminous Surface (Using Bitumen Emulsion at the rate of 0.25 kg per sqm.)(Rs-I type) 5 Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as perIRC:35. The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes complete as per Clause 803 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). 6 Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing and Clause 801 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). 90 cm equilateral triangle. 7 Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing and Clause 801 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). 60 cm circular. 8 Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground level as per approved drawing and Clause 801 of Specifications for Road & Bridge Works of MoRT&H (5th Revision). 80 mm x 60 mm rectangular.
West Bengal
INR 14.83 Lakhs /-

Contract Award Details

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S.No Bid Number Bidder Name Submitted Date Status Remarks Status Updated On
1 111111 Dummy Name 13-Sep-2020 11:40 AM Dummy-Finance Dummy 17-Sep-2020 12:30 PM
2 111111 Dummy Name 14-Sep-2020 01:07 PM Dummy Dummy 31-May-2022 12:40 PM
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1 11111 Dummy Dummy 0
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